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Producer Archive-Workflow Network (PAWN)
A mature software platform that is extremely flexible in implementing centralized and distributed ingestion and processing workflows. It is built on an infrastructure-independent scalable, secure, and reliable architecture. Specifically, PAWN was able to demonstrate the following capabilities
  • Approval and signature gathering that can be customized depending on ingest requirements of a record schedule
  • A mechanism to allow users to have customizable roles rather than locking users into predefined roles.
  • Show how to present Record Schedules to end users through easy to understand templates.
  • Allow automated and manual process chains to be defined and executed on data in PAWN. In addition, allow these chains to be customized depending on record set and template requirements.
Audit Control Environment (ACE)

ACE (Auditing Control Environment) is a prototype system that incorporates a new methodology to address the integrity of long term archives using rigorous cryptographic techniques. ACE continuously audits the contents of the various objects according to the policy set by the archive, and provides mechanisms for an independent third-party auditor to certify the integrity of any object.

Our approach will allow an independent auditor to verify the integrity of every version of an archived digital object as well as link the current version to the original form of the object when it was ingested into the archive. Also, ACE is very cost effective and scalable while making no assumptions about the archive architecture.

Web Archiving
Format Curation Service (FOCUS)