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- Location:
- There are 7 pairs of data files (paired ends) : lanes 1..3,5..8 (lane 4 wasn't used)
- Tasks to figure out:
1. Erroneous reads/bases, which we need to correct or discard 2. GC bias, so we can compute a-stats properly 3. Redundancy in the long paired ends, which are lane 1 and lane 2.
- Lane 1: 3Kbp insert; 34,944,099 reads
- Lane 3: 8Kbp insert; 32,540,640 reads
- Formatting:
/fs/szdevel/dpuiu/SourceForge/wgs-assembler.030210/Linux-amd64/bin/fastqToCA \ -insertsize 3000 300 \ -libraryname 1 \ -type illumina \ -fastq /fs/szattic-asmg4/Bees/Bombus_impatiens/s_1_1_sequence.txt,/fs/szattic-asmg4/Bees/Bombus_impatiens/s_1_2_sequence.txt > 1.frg => {LIB act:A acc:1 ori:I mea:3000.000 std:300.000 src: . nft:10 fea: forceBOGunitigger=1 isNotRandom=0 doNotTrustHomopolymerRuns=0 doRemoveDuplicateReads=0 doNotQVTrim=0 goodBadQVThreshold=0 doNotOverlapTrim=0 usePackedFragments=1 illuminaFastQType=illumina illuminaSequence=/fs/szattic-asmg4/Bees/Bombus_impatiens/s_1_1_sequence.txt,/fs/szattic-asmg4/Bees/Bombus_impatiens/s_1_2_sequence.txt . }