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Search examples: 14[CHR] AND "human"[ORGN] => 908,625 SNPS
- Human dataset
http://trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/sra/sra.cgi?sample=SRS000090# http://ccr.coriell.org/Sections/Search/Sample_Detail.aspx?Ref=GM12878
International Hapmap
http://hapmap.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov Example: Landmark or Region:chr14:21100000..21199999
270 people. Yoruba people of Ibadan, Nigeria: 30 trios Japan, 45 unrelated individuals from the Tokyo area China, 45 unrelated individuals from Beijing U.S.: 30 trios ;residents with northern and western European ancestry
1,000 genomes
10,000 genomes
- G10K
- G10K paper
- Assemble a genomic zoo—a collection of DNA sequences representing the genomes of 10,000 vertebrate species, approximately one for every vertebrate genus.
- I5K Insects
- Example:
2bwt-builder genome.fasta soap2 –a frag_1.fastq -b frag_2.fastq -D genome.fasta.index -o frag.mated.soap2 -2 frag.single.soap2 -m 120 -x 240 cat frag.mated.soap2 | sort -k8 -nk9 >! frag.mated.soap2.sorted mv frag.mated.soap2.sorted frag.mated.soap2 soapsnp -i frag.mated.soap2 -d genome.fasta -o genome.cns
bowtie-build genome.fasta genome.fasta bowtie genome.fasta -1 frag_1.fastq -2 frag_2.fastq -p 8 -I 120 -X 240 --sam > frag.mated.sam samtools view -bS frag.mated.sam > frag.mated.bam samtools sort frag.mated.bam frag.mated.bam.sorted mv frag.mated.bam.sorted frag.mated.bam samtools mpileup -ugf genome.fasta frag.mated.bam | bcftools view -vcg - > genome.snps