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Main information

(under development)
for now see www.cbcb.umd.edu/intranet/resources.shtml

Publication database

(from kunmi)

I have a new publications system to help better manage our publications. We will no longer need to edit the index.shtml file anymore, but rather log into the system and add/edit as we please. Here are the specifications:

  • Any logged in user for add/edit
  • Import publications manually, or fetch by PubMed ID, EndNote format(also supports EndNote XML), RIS format, and Bibtex
  • Export to Bibtex, EndNote or RIS formats.
  • Search publications by author, keywords or PubMed ID
  • Better ordering of publications (by date, journal or title ... I'm

working on sorting by author)

  • All publications are stored in a MySQL database.
  • CBCB user/pass = cbcb/cbcb

The system is currently in beta phase and not on the main CBCB server (so its not live yet). Please feel free to play around with it and let me know if you come across any bug(s). Current site URL = http://cbcbwww01.umiacs.umd.edu/publications
Also, I'm yet to add pdfs to the publications.

Adding just your pubs to your website

Two pages are useful for this purpose:
http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/publications/authorByYear?n=pop&fn=Mihai&nyr=3 -- this page displays the publications for an author with last name specified in the n= option, with full name specified in fn=, grouped by year for the first nyr= years (default 3), after which all remaining publications are listed in reverse chronological order.

http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/publications/authorRecent?n=pop&num=5 -- this page displays the last num= publications (default 5) for an author with last name specified in the n= option.

Adding one of these pages within your website can be done with an iframe, e.g.:

<iframe src="http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/publications/authorRecent?n=pop&num=5" 
  width="100%" height=300>

There might be an easier/prettier way but I don't know it.

Also useful: http://www.cbcb.umd.edu/publications/author.php?n=pop
if you look at the file, what you need is from line 10 - 21. Everything else is for the look and feel. I did two ways to search for a user and thats by database user id and last name (case-insensitive). Searching by last name gives better results.