Clostridium botulinum

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Data sources


 Hall strain A (ATCC 3502)
 chromosome: 3,886,916 bp 28.24 GC%
 plasmid:      16,344 bp 26.80 GC%
 63,115 Sanger reads
 Read problems:
   no quality       : default 20 assigned to all the bases
   no mate pairing  : can be inferred from names (.p1c, .q1c => 27,331 mates)
   no library info  : assumed there was only one library used
   no trimming info : almost all reads have "CONTAINED" alignments to the reference
   there are 124 regions in the reference which are not covered by reads


Assemby location:

  • WGA
   create a .frg file (default params) 
   location: 2007_0725_WGA/
   => 109 scaffolds, 243 contigs

   => library inser estimates mean=1840.917 stdev=866.039

NCBI : reads have not been submitted to TA