Dpuiu Assemblathon: Difference between revisions

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== Argentine ant ==
== Argentine ant ==
== Bee, Bombus impatiens ==
== Bombus impatiens ==

=== Data ===
=== Data ===

Revision as of 16:31, 4 March 2011



  • Location
 http://gage.cbcb.umd.edu/ -> /fs/web-cbcb-new/html/gage


* Allpaths-LG    /fs/szdevel/core-cbcb-software/Linux-x86_64/packages/allpaths3-35218/
* CA             /fs/szdevel/core-cbcb-software/Linux-x86_64/packages/wgs-6.1/
* Velvet         /fs/szdevel/core-cbcb-software/Linux-x86_64/packages/velvet_1.0.13/
* SOAPdenovo     /fs/szdevel/core-cbcb-software/Linux-x86_64/packages/SOAPdenovo_Release1.04

CBCB genomes

  • a bacterial genome. Instead of E. coli, we can use S. aureus USA300, which has sequence data in SRA from 454 and Illumina, paired and unpaired. Daniela has already assemblied it using CA, Newbler, Velvet, SOAPdenovo, and Maq (using its comparative assembly mode, where it aligns to a reference).
  • A medium-sized eukaryote. I'd like to use the Argentine ant or the Bombus impatiens bee - I've just written to Gene Robinson to ask about the bee.
  • Another eukaryote, ideally a larger one. Human would be great, but we just don't have enough time to do multiple human assemblies. So maybe another insect, or perhaps a plant if we can find one for which data is available.

If we can agree on the data sets, then the next step would be to design the experiment - decide in advance which assemblers to run and how many ways to try each one. I'm thinking we should also trim all the data with Quake.

Argentine ant

Bombus impatiens


  • 497,318,144 Illumina 124bp reads
  • 8 libraries; inserts:
    • 400bp
    • 3k (outie)
    • 8k (outie)
  • Traces

Adapters: in 3k & 8k libraries



/fs/szattic-asmg4/Bees/Bombus_impatiens/s_[12356789]_[12]_sequence.txt                             # original fastq files

/fs/szattic-asmg4/Bees/Bombus_impatiens/error_free/fastq/s_[129]_[012]_sequence.cor.rev.txt        # adaptor free corrected reads (long inserts)
/fs/szattic-asmg4/Bees/Bombus_impatiens/error_free/fastq/s_[35678]_[012]_sequence.cor.txt          # corrected reads (short inserts)


CA (best)

  • Stats
 .      elem   min  q1   q2    q3     max      mean    n50      sum        
 scf    1896   76   150  4044  67922  4021294  151761  1017298  287738041  
 ctg    92307  63   100  119   186    297795   2613    24781    241197400  


/fs/szattic-asmg5/Bees/Bombus_impatiens/Assembly/CA.s_1-8.cor.redo2/                               # best Celera Assembly


  • Stats
 .      elem       min    q1     q2     q3     max        mean       n50        sum
 scf    11178      100    111    135    390    5655980    23014      1205321    257251549
 ctg    10856652   31     .      .      .      85850      57         43         627095607
 ctg100 106741     100    .      .      .      85850**    2165       6939       231167576


/fs/szattic-asmg5/Bees/Bombus_impatiens/Assembly/SOAPdenovo.s_1-9.cor/                             # best SOAPdenovo assembly

Bacterium, Staph aureus USA300

 Complete genome        : NC_010079       2872915bp Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus USA300_TCH1516
 In progress genome     : NZ_AASB00000000 2810505bp Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus USA300_TCH959, 256 contigs
 Illumina 101bp paired  : Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus USA300_TCH1516         http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sra/SRX007714?report=full


  • Comments:
 mated reads; lib mea/srd (CA estimates)=170/21
 first 2 and last base show composition bias; should we trim them???
  • Data
                    reads       min    max        mean  sum            cvg
 Total              30,597,352  101    101        101   3090332552     1065
 Sampled            2,295,176   101    101        101   231812776      78
 Corrected(paired)  1,479,510   30     101        89    131973249      45.9
  • DeNovo
 # ctg stats
              elem  min   q1     q2     q3     max     mean   n50    sum      q.0cvg r.0cvg 1.0cvg  1.snps  1.breaks.all  1.breaks.1k+
 CA.bog       73    1716  14503  26431  52086  148524* 39043  58038* 2850157  31075  7700   31075   75      14            6  
 SOAPdenovo   9382  32    32     52     63     85850   347    16726  3259522  34960  722    37358   24      0             0  
 velvet       453   61    85     224    3279   137163  6297   36496  2852552  53075  10478  53410   156     17            6  
 # scf stats
              elem  min   q1     q2     q3     max     mean   n50    sum      q.0cvg r.0cvg 1.0cvg  1.snps  1.breaks.all  1.breaks.1k+
 CA.bog       67    1716  14869  32929  58038  148524* 42541  65383* 2850277  31075  7700   31075   75      20            7               # 1 large rearangement :  scf120001252361 : NC_010079:622381-671743
 SOAPdenovo   186   100   333    1528   17623  144079  15625  55558  2906207  61878  26070  62049   65      453           6  
 velvet       427   61    82     177    2982   137163  6685   37874  2854649  53268  10478  53623   156     42            8
  • Location


  • Comments:
 first 2 and last base show composition bias; should we trim them???
  • Data
                    reads       min    max        mean  sum            cvg
 Total              30,597,352  101    101        101   3090332552     1065
 Sampled            4,404,626   101    101        101   444867226      154
 Corrected(paired)  2,815,584   30     101        89    252331825      87
  • DeNovo
 # ctg stats
              elem  min   q1     q2     q3     max     mean   n50     sum      q.0cvg r.0cvg 1.0cvg  1.snps  1.breaks.all  1.breaks.1k+
 CA.bog       47    1866  11740  37171  88747  388257* 60272  121078* 2832762  39703  28204  39775   142     12            9  
 SOAPdenovo   15229 32    33     48     63     74601   232    13773   3530251  31690  269    36416   17      0             0  
 velvet       429   61    86     206    3147   134034  6650   40448   2852695  52754  9400   52940   152     24            9  
 # scf stats
              elem  min   q1     q2     q3     max     mean   n50     sum      q.0cvg r.0cvg 1.0cvg  1.snps  1.breaks.all  1.breaks.1k+
 CA.bog       46    1866  11740  39650  88747  388257* 61582  129426* 2832782  39703  28204  39775   142     13            10  
 SOAPdenovo   158   101   202    1249   20910  150305  18353  74149   2899760  64028  30903  64392   52      506           7   
 velvet       409   61    85     180    2854   142341  6978   42466   2853854  52940  9400   52751   150     43            12

Human, a single chromosome, medium-sized


  • Latest online assembly
  NC_000014.8    107,349,540  # total, with telomeric N's 
                  88,289,540  # clean
  • Human bowtie indexes
  • Illumina reads (all genome)
 Human NA12878 Genome on Illumina 
 #Fragment (mean insert size: 155bp, SD 26), 101 bp read length
 Lib          #Spots  #Bases  #Reads     #Mates     ReadLen  InsMea  InStd  InsMin  InsMax   TrimReadLen
 SRR067787    82.4M   16.6G   652448124  324283604  101      155     26     77      458     
 SRR067789    82.6M   16.7G   654133372  324876520  101      155     26     77      458     
 SRR067780    83.3M   16.8G   660001672  328021140  101      155     26     77      458     
 SRR067791    83.0M   16.8G   657963460  327205952  101      155     26     77      458     
 SRR067793    77.0M   15.5G   609634756  303094956  101      155     26     77      458     
 SRR067784    83.3M   16.8G   660118460  328244560  101      155     26     77      458     
 SRR067785    81.6M   16.5G   646350512  321174108  101      155     26     77      458     
 SRR067792    83.8M   16.9G   663997828  330084304  101      155     26     77      458     
 SRR067577    46.3M   9.3G    367673108  183472948  101      155     26     77      458     
 SRR067579    46.0M   9.3G    365743380  182532676  101      155     26     77      458     
 SRR067578    46.5M   9.4G    369557476  184410788  101      155     26     77      458     
 #Jumping1 (mean insert size: 2283bp, SD 221), 101 bp read length
 SRR067771    81.5M   16.5G   644846296  320822716  101      2283    221    1620    2586    
 SRR067777    82.6M   16.7G   653163608  325232944  101      2283    221    1620    2586    
 SRR067781    82.1M   16.6G   649748720  323656576  101      2283    221    1620    2586    
 SRR067776    79.9M   16.1G   632590344  315165892  101      2283    221    1620    2586    
 #Jumping2 (mean insert size: 2803bp, SD 271), 101 bp read length
 SRR067773    93.1M   18.8G   736456192  366884512  101      2803    271    1990    3106    
 SRR067779    94.0M   19.0G   743564440  370214028  101      2803    271    1990    3106    
 SRR067778    97.3M   19.6G   767984324  381879652  101      2803    271    1990    3106    
 SRR067786    94.6M   19.1G   747631104  372002548  101      2803    271    1990    3106    
 #Fosmid1  (mean insert size: 35295bp, SD 2703), 76 bp read length
 SRR068214    13.1M   2.0G    104505420  52087176   76       35295   2703   27186   35523   36(trim 20bp at 5',20bp at 3')
 SRR068211    4.8M    736.9M  38612196   19252408   76       35295   2703   27186   35523   36(trim 20bp at 5',20bp at 3')
 #Fosmid2 (mean insert size: 35318bp, SD 2759),  101 bp read length
 SRR068335    67.4M   13.6G   533805860  265481252  101      35318   2759   27041   35621   61(trim 20bp at 5',20bp at 3')
  • Comments
    • Human chromosome 14. The chromosome may change, but this is a new data set with 100X coverage in 100bp and 76bp reads, just assembled by the Broad group using Allpaths-LG and Soap. We've downloaded the data and Todd is going to create a data set representing just chr 14, to make it feasible. We'll then try to assemble that data w/all 3 assemblers: CA, SOAP, Allpaths-LG.
  • Illumina chr14 reads (aligned with bowtie & corrected)
 hard to align: bowtie -5 20 -3 20 -e 1000 ...
 jumping reads: only the ones aligned within coorect mean, stdev selected; these libraries usually have a high % of short inserts!!!

Allpaths-lg Assembly (Daniela)

  • Read counts
                             orig       cor               cor(paired,all >64bp)
 chr14_fragment_12.fastq     36504800   35571477(97.44%)  34268444(10+bp ovl F/R)
 chr14_shortjump_12.fastq    22669408   11255320(49.64%)  11255320
 chr14_longjump_12.fastq     2405064    187398   (7.79%)  187398  
  • Assembly stats:
 .          elem  min    q1     q2     q3      max       mean     n50       sum       
 scf        418   96     131    256    1236    81646936  209781   81646936  87688255  
 scf10K+    17    10330  11780  26536  269876  81646936  5135452  81646936  87302692  
 ctg        4722  96     2342   9101   24174   240773    17887    36530       84461065  
  • Runtime 1104299.893u 126549.756s 18:50:05.80 1815.2% 0+0k 0+0io 8463pf+0w
 18hr 50min :                   multiprocessor
 1104299/(3600*24)=12.78 days : singleprocessor
  • Locations
 /scratch1/dpuiu/HTS/Homo_sapiens/Assembly/allpaths             # original
 /fs/szattic-asmg5/dpuiu/HTS/Homo_sapiens/Assembly/allpaths     # final contigs, scaff
 /fs/szattic-asmg5/dpuiu/HTS/Homo_sapiens/Assembly/allpathsCor  # corrected reads

All stats