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== SPA ==
== SPA ==

[  Genome]
[ Taxonomy (TaxID: 295319)]
   All directories: 103971 (unique)
   All directories: 103971 (unique)

Revision as of 17:12, 24 October 2007


From Washington Univ in St. Louis


 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Paratyphi A str. ATCC 9150: B_SPA
 Salmonella typhimurium LT2                                            : B_STM


 1. Validate the assemblies
 2. Submit traces to NCBI TA
 3. Convert assemblies to Assembly.XML format and submit them NCBI AA

File locations:



NCBI [ Genome] Taxonomy (TaxID: 295319) Traces:

 All directories: 103971 (unique)
 B_SPA : 102405  (unique) => 1566 missing
 ~ 10X coverage

The *.b1,*g1 reads seem to be mated!

Mate pairs:


WUSTL assemblies:

1. ace.83: (best assembly of reads)

 $ grep ^CO *ace.83 | grep -v COMM | wc -l
 571 # total number of contigs
 Longest contig: 
 $ cat B_SPA.fasta.screen.ace.83
 AS 571 89509                                # 571 contigs, 89509 reads
 CO Contig1368 4813926 88824 1869182 C       
 Contig1368 is 4,813,926 (GDE format) 4,579,713 bp (FASTA format)
 Ends don't overlap
 There are missoriented reads at the ends (=>circular)
 Contains 88824 reads
 Other Salmonella strains are ~ 4.8M
 * Collapsed repeat:  high coverage, missoriented mates in the 2076881-2079555 region
 * Expanded into 3 copy tandem repeat in the finished assembly
 * 3 copies also in CA

2. Finished assembly: (assembly of contigs)

 File: finished.fasta.screen.ace.0
 1 contig 
 4,585,228 bp (FASTA format) : 5,515bp longer than ace.83 contig 571; ends don't overlap
 11 long reads(contig reads)

Estimate lib insert sizes:

 $ toAmos -ace B_SPA.fasta.screen.ace.83
 $ grep -c ^rds B_SPA.afg         # check if links were created
 $ more toAmos.error              # check if there were any convertion errors
 $ bank-transact -b B_SPA.bnk -m B_SPA.afg -c
 $ bank2contig B_SPA.bnk > B_SPA.contig
 $ cat B_SPA.contig | grep ^# | grep -v ^## | sort 
 # look at distances between mated reads

Create mate pair file (Bambus format, tab delimited)

 $ cat B_SPA.mates
    library small   2000    4000    (p).*
    pair    (p.*)\.b1$      (p.*)\.g1$
    library medium  4500    5500    (oyg).*
    pair    (oyg.*).b1$     (oyg.*).g1$
    library large   35000   45000   (P_AA).*
    pair    (P_AA.*).b1$    (P_AA.*).g1$

Rerun convertion utilities:

 $ toAmos -m B_SPA.mates -ace B_SPA.fasta.screen.ace.83 -o B_SPA.afg 
 $ bank-transact -b B_SPA.bnk -m B_SPA.afg -c

CBCB assemblies:

1. CA default params /fs/szasmg/Bacteria/Salmonella/S_enterica_paratyphi_A/edit_dir/83/CA-qual 87 scaff, 194 contigs, 19K singletons, 4,425,716 bp

2. CA genomeSize=3M /fs/szasmg/Bacteria/Salmonella/S_enterica_paratyphi_A/edit_dir/83/CA-qual-3M 75 scaff, 183 contigs, 19K singletons, 4,515,434 bp No rearrangements compared to finished genome Significant number of SNP's

3. AMOSCmp Ref=finished assembly; no read trimming; max dirty end seq=20 bp => 195 contigs

4. AMOSCmp Ref=finished assembly; no read trimming; max dirty end seq=50 bp => 122 contigs