Talk:Staff and Managers Links Page

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Managers: This is your page, please suggest any and all information that you would find useful on a day-to-day basis. If you're not comfortable editing wiki pages, just post it here.

Gfc (talk) 22:27, 20 November 2019 (UTC)

Before You Leave

Managers Clean-Up Checklist

  1. Clean up any messes
    1. Spills, wood shavings, scraps, etc
  2. Return all tools to their designated locations
    1. Most basic tools belong in the correctly-labeled yellow boxes
    2. Some may need to be returned to a specific room
      1. i.e. sewing, electronics, woodshop
    3. If you don't know where something belongs, ask! Or make a note of where you're putting it
  3. Turn off air filters, exhaust vents, compressed air lines, and laser cutters
  4. Unplug any tools that generate heat such as soldering stations, hot glue guns, laminator, etc.
  5. Close all studio doors. This is important for fire safety and tool safety.
  6. Always strive to leave Sandbox slightly neater than you found it