Ultimaker Job Submission

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Ultimaker Job Submission

This page is used to show you how to use the job submission form for the Ultimaker 3D printer. Due to COVID, we are having to limit the amount of people in the makerspace at one time. For most machines, you have to be present to use the machine, however, the 3D printer can be submitted online and started by one of the managers in the space.

You can find the form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdcgJJLBCYQulCYpyb5rhmhX4jy6RxEJj_oXetzfdyqzuElbg/viewform.

In this form, you will be inputting identifying information about you and your project. You must provide your name, email address, and UID, so we can identify you as a UMD affiliate and contact you in case anything goes wrong. Then you will provide information about your print so we can process it for you. You will have to provide a name for your print, the material type, the color, the weight in grams, the job time in hours, a link to where you found the 3D model (if applicable), and a google drive to the sliced file (after run through Cura or similar program).

Section by Section Help

This section will go over each question in case there is any confusion and to tell you why we need it.

Email Address

Please provide us an email that we can use to contact you in case we need to contact you. We might contact you in case of:

  • Finished print waiting
  • Print failed
  • Print in waiting queue being started
  • Print aborted because of multiple failures
  • Changes made (like orientation/rotation)

Please respond quickly as late responses will make the entire queue slow down and could push back yours from being printed or be removed from the queue.

First and Last Name

We need this to identify the person who's print it is. Last name is required so we don't mix up people with the same first name.


This is important for identifying that the person submitting a print is actually a UMD affiliate.

Name of Print

This is how we will mainly identify your print. When picking up your print, have the name ready for us to identify which is yours.

Material Type

We need this to be able to properly set up the printer with the material. Incorrectly telling us the type of material desired will cause differences in the end product. This could also cause problems with the print as some prints require certain material.

Material Color

We will do our best to match your desired material, but our supplies are limited, please give us a few options that you want. If we do not have any, we will likely email you asking what color your would want out of our supply. If there are any colors you do not want, or if you ONLY want your print in a certain color, write that here.

Weight of Print (g)

This is VERY important to know so we don't put in a spool with too little material for your print. If this happens, it could result in much wasted material and failure to print. This information is generally given when slicing the print in Cura or other software.

Estimated Job Time

This will be used to determine when to start your print. Longer prints generally will be started overnight and short prints will be done when someone is in the space and can start another after. This is also given when slicing the print in Cura/other software.

Link to 3D Model

If you got the 3D model from an online resource such as thingaverse, you can provide that here in case we have other questions about the print or want to try recreating the STL file in a different way.

Google Drive link to Sliced File

After slicing the file yourself, please provide us the file so we can take that to be printed and save us time. Unfortunately, this form requires file uploads to be through Google drive so make sure when you create the link that you change the permissions to allow others with the link to see it. Failure to do so can cause delays in your print.

Additional Notes

If there is any important information we need to know about your print, provide that here. If you need the temperature bed a certain level, or need the print speed lower, please say so. Or if you only want a certain color print, say so here so we don't print it in another color.


If you enter incorrect information or are unresponsive for questions, we reserve the right to delay or cancel your print. Leaving your print in the space for too long after the print has finished might result in you losing your print. We will likely email you once your print is done and you should pick it up within a week or two.