FTP services can be accessed from supported windows machines. This is a guide on how to access the UMIACS FTP service using windows explorer.
Opening up Windows Explorer
To open up windows explorer, click on the "folder/files" icon on the task-bar on the bottom of your desktop.
Alternatively, click on "Start" button on your task-bar, and type in "Windows Explorer" in the search box (For Windows 10, type "File Explorer").
Accessing Incoming Folder in FTP
In the address bar, type in the following address:
\\fluidfs.pc.umiacs.umd.edu\ftp-umiacs\incoming\<username> - to access users' incoming folders.
External collaborators can only drop data into FTP incoming folder. Owner of the incoming folder can receive and modify their incoming files from a supported windows machine.
Accessing Public Folder in FTP
In the address bar, type in the following address:
\\fluidfs.pc.umiacs.umd.edu\ftp-umiacs\pub\<username> - to access users' public folders.
External collaborators can only download files published by the owner. Owner of the public folder can publish and modify files from a supported windows machine.
Alternatively, collaborators can access public folders through web browser.
Open up a web browser, in the address bar, type in the following address:
ftp://ftp.umiacs.umd.edu/pub/<username>/ - to access users' public folders.
Collaborators can click on file title to download a published file.