VS Code
Visual Studio (VS) Code is a multi-platform source-code editor developed by Microsoft. It can be used with a variety of programming languages and can have its base functionality extended through use of extensions available via its marketplace. The base editor itself is free, but some extensions may require paid subscriptions.
Cluster Usage
It can be convenient when using our SLURM computing clusters to open a connection to a VS Code server session on the submission node(s) that you have access to via VS Code's Remote - SSH extension. Steps to set this up can be found here.
Best Practices
Because of the multi-tenant nature of our submission nodes, using the Remote - SSH extension to connect to a VS Code server running on a submission node can have adverse affects on other users simultaneously using the submission nodes if not properly managed. The following is a list of "best practices" that we have compiled through observation of usage on submission nodes across the institute as well as through discussion with users.