All accounts in the Nexus (and UMIACS accounts in general) are required to be sponsored. New accounts can be requested via our Requests application.
UMIACS and CSD faculty members can use the Requests application to request new accounts for themselves. When filling out the form as a faculty member, please use the username of the current Director of Computing Facilities at UMIACS as the Principal Investigator. This is currently derek
Once you submit the initial form, you will be required to verify the email address you have listed as your external contact. Once verified, the Director of Computing Facilities will approve sponsorship of the account and your account will be installed within 24 business hours (9am-5pm M-F).
After receiving an account, faculty can let their students know to request an account listing them as the Principal Investigator. Faculty will receive an email to confirm sponsorship through this same application when a student requests and account. Once approved, these sponsored accounts will be installed within 24 business hours (9am-5pm M-F).
Students / Collaborators
When directed by a faculty member, students or collaborators should use the Requests application to request an account for themselves. When filling out the form as a student or collaborator, please use the UMIACS account username of the UMIACS or CSD faculty member as the Principal Investigator.
All accounts must be sponsored in UMIACS. Should a faculty member leave UMIACS/CSD or revoke sponsorship of your account, you will be given 30 days to find a new account sponsor. Should this 30 days lapse, your account will be archived and removed.