
Revision as of 22:04, 21 July 2015 by Liam (talk | contribs)
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The UMobj suite of utilities support command line access to our Ceph Object Stores. In addition, each Object Store in UMIACS has a fully-featured web application that allows you access to your files from a web browser.

For UMIACS-supported linux machines, these utilities are already installed and should be available in the standard PATH.


Setting a few environmental variables containing your credentials you'll need to use for the Object Store is a good idea. When logged into the web interface, you can find these credentials on the user page. E.g.

The following environmental variables are required:

* *OBJ_ACCESS_KEY_ID* - The user's access key
* *OBJ_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY* - The user's secret key

This environmental variable is required if you using an Object Store other than ``````.

* *OBJ_SERVER*  - The object server to use

For example, if you use the ```bash``` shell, you can add the following to your ```.bashrc``` or ```.bash_profile```.

```bash export OBJ_ACCESS_KEY_ID="31sdfadDFAHFDN+344qOEIS" export OBJ_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="NDSMK3233adfahadflkkPDSH092DSJKDKDJKFDLSFLNK" ``` Or in tcsh you can do the following or add it into your ```.tcshrc```.

```tcsh setenv OBJ_ACCESS_KEY_ID "31sdfadDFAHFDN+344qOEIS" setenv OBJ_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY "NDSMK3233adfahadflkkPDSH092DSJKDKDJKFDLSFLNK" ```

For more information see the GitLab page for umobj.