Brown Bag Lunch Schedule
The HCIL has an open semi-organized weekly "brown bag lunch (BBL)" on every Thursdays from 12:30-1:30pm in HCIL (2105 Hornbake, South Wing). The topics range from someone's work, current interest to the HCIL, a software demo/review, a study design, a proposed research topic, an introduction to a new person, etc. The BBL is the one hour a week where we all come together--thus, it’s a unique time for HCIL members with unique opportunities to help build collaborations, increase awareness of each other’s activities, and generally just have a bit of fun together with free food every week.
To sign up for a session, send an email to BBL student co-coordinator Arunesh Mathur ( or Daniel Pauw ( In the email, briefly describe the topic and preferred dates.
To get notified about upcoming events, please subscribe one of these mailing lists.
We thank YAHOO for its sponsorship of the HCIL Brown Bag Lunches .
Fall 2015 Schedule
Date | Leader | Topic |
09/03/2015 | Introduction |
09/10/2015 STARTING AT NOON exceptionally |
Jean-Daniel Fekete |
09/17/2015 | Liese Zahabi |
09/24/2015 | HCIL Student Presentations |
10/01/2015 | Celine Latulipe |
10/08/2015 |
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10/15/2015 |
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10/22/2015 |
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10/29/2015 | Heather Bradbury |
11/05/2015 | C. Scott Dempwolf |
11/12/2015 |
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11/19/2015 |
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11/26/2015 |
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12/03/2015 |
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12/10/2015 |
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12/17/2015 |
Past Brown Bags
Past Brown Bag schedules are archived here.