Brown Bag Lunch Schedule

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The HCIL has an open, semi-organized weekly "brown bag lunch (BBL)" every Thursdays from 12:30-1:30pm in HCIL (2105 Hornbake, South Wing). The topics range from someone's work, current interests in the HCIL, software demos/reviews, study design, proposed research topics, introductions to new people, etc. The BBL is the one hour a week where we all come together--thus, it’s a unique time for HCIL members with unique opportunities to help build collaborations, increase awareness of each other’s activities, and generally just have a bit of fun together. There is no RSVP; simply show up!

If you would like to give or suggest a talk, presentation, workshop, etc., send an email to BBL student co-coordinators Deokgun Park ( or Rebecca Stone ( In the email, briefly describe the topic and preferred dates.

To be notified about upcoming events, please subscribe one of these mailing lists.

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Spring 2017 Schedule

Date Leader Topic

Kickoff to a new Semester!

Come network, make introductions, and share what each of us is working on

Please come to our first BBL of the spring 2017 semester to introduce yourself and share what you're working on in the coming semester. The first BBL will be for us to network with each other and kickoff a great new semester.


Bilge Mutlu,
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Human-Centered Principles and Methods for Designing Robotic Technologies

Abstract: The increasing emergence of robotic technologies that serve as automated tools, assistants, and collaborators promises tremendous benefits in everyday settings from the home to manufacturing facilities. While these technologies promise interactions that can be highly complex and beneficial, their successful integration into the human environment ultimately requires these interactions to also be natural and intuitive. To achieve complex but intuitive interactions, designers and developers must simultaneously understand and address human and computational challenges. In this talk, I will present my group’s work on building human-centered guidelines, methods, and tools to address these challenges in order to facilitate the design of robotic technologies that are more effective, intuitive, acceptable, and even enjoyable through successful integration into the human environment. The first part of the talk will review a series of projects that will demonstrate how the marrying of knowledge about people and computational methods through a systematic design process can enable effective user interactions with social, assistive, and telepresence robots. The second part of the talk will cover ongoing work that provides designers and developers with tools to apply these guidelines to the development of real-world robotic technologies and that utilizes partnerships with domain experts and end users to ensure the successful integration of these technologies into everyday settings. The talk will conclude with a discussion of high-level design guidelines that can be drawn from this body of work.

Bio: Bilge Mutlu is an associate professor of computer science, psychology, and industrial engineering at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He received his Ph.D. degree from Carnegie Mellon University's Human-Computer Interaction Institute in 2009. His background combines training in interaction design, human-computer interaction, and robotics with industry experience in product design and development. Dr. Mutlu is a former Fulbright Scholar and the recipient of the NSF CAREER award as well as several best paper awards and nominations, including HRI 2008, HRI 2009, HRI 2011, UbiComp 2013, IVA 2013, RSS 2013, HRI 2014, CHI 2015, and ASHA 2015. His research has been covered by national and international press including the NewScientist, MIT Technology Review, Discovery News, Science Nation, and Voice of America. He has served in the Steering Committee of the HRI Conference and the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, co-chairing the Program Committees for ROMAN 2016, HRI 2015, ROMAN 2015, and ICSR 2011, the Program Sub-committees on Design for CHI 2013 and CHI 2014, and the organizing committee for HRI 2017. More information on Dr. Mutlu and his research can be found at and


Susan Winter,
University of Maryland, College Park

Designing for Diversity: HCI and the Support of Scientific Research

Abstract: Understanding user needs and designing new technologies to meet those needs has long been a focus of HCI research. HCI has been embedded within a sociotechnical systems approach often considering user needs within a work context where an employing organization designs the work, chooses the technologies, and hires and trains the employees. This organizational “container” has been eroding, which raises interesting questions about the relationships among people, innovative technologies, work, and the role of HCI in this new hyper-diverse environment.

Bio: Susan J. Winter, Ph.D. is Associate Dean for Research and co-Director of the Center for Advanced Study of Communities and Information at the University of Maryland’s School of Information Studies. She has previously been a Science Advisor in the Directorate for Social Behavioral and Economic Sciences, Acting Deputy Director of the Office of Cyberinfrastructure at the National Science Foundation and a Program Director supporting distributed, interdisciplinary scientific collaboration where she was responsible for programs funding research on virtual organizations as sociotechnical systems, cyber-enabled discovery and innovation, and cyberinfrastructure education, and enabling resources for building community and capacity for complex data-driven and computational science including high performance computers, large-scale databases, and advanced software tools. Her award-winning research on the impact of information and communications technology on the organization of work has appeared in top journals; she has extensive international managerial and consulting experience, and currently serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of Information Technology, Information and Organization, and Group and Organization Management. She received her PhD from the University of Arizona, her MA from the Claremont Graduate University, and her BA from the University of California, Berkeley.


Virginia Byrne and Joohee Choi,
University of Maryland, College Park

Research design review & CSCW Practice Talk

Research Design Review
Abstract: Virginia is seeking feedback on a new research project conducted in partnership with the Division of Information Technology: studying and designing an online orientation for college students about online success strategies. The project is motivated by instructor reports that online students have lower rates of retention and reported satisfaction. This project is an exploratory mixed methods design with a series of planned design iterations. We hope to better understand the real vs. perceived strategies enacted by successful online college students. Then, we will design an orientation program to scaffold online learning so that our online students are more likely to enact the strategies shows to predict success. Please come give advice & feedback!

Bio: Virginia Byrne is a Technology, Learning and Leadership PhD student in the College of Education's Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership department. She researches how the learning experience changes when learners interact with peers through technology. At the HCIL, Virginia is a member of the BodyVis research team.

Title: Characteristics of Collaboration in the Emerging Practice of Open Data Analysis
Abstract: The democratization of data science and open government data initiatives are inspiring groups from civic hackers to data journalists to use data to address social issues. The analysis of open government data is expected to encourage citizens to participate in government as well as to improve transparency and efficiency in government processes. Through interviews and survey responses we gathered information on forty projects that involved the analysis of open data. We found that collaborations were interdisciplinary, small in scale, with low turnover, and synchronous communication. Most of the projects asked exploratory questions and made use of descriptive statistics and visualizations. We discuss how these findings contribute to an understanding of the emerging practice of open data analysis and to a broader understanding of open collaboration.

Bio: Joohee Choi is a Ph.D. student in Information Studies at University of Maryland, College Park. She is advised by Prof. Yla Tausczik. Her research interest is in understanding collaborative problem solving phenomenon mediated by information technology. She studied how collaboration emerges around the practice of open government data analysis, as well as in multiple online platforms like Github and Stack Overflow. Her current research looks at online Q&A community, Stack Exchange, with a focus on moderators' roles in the community.


Diversity in Tech Discussion

To continue our discussions surrounding diversity in tech please come to Thursday's BBL prepared to talk about two current diversity topics:

1. Diversity and the LGBTQ Community

2. Sexism in Tech

The readings are simply posted as a quick read to get us all thinking about these topics. Please bring your questions and comments as we continue to support and build a diverse and inclusive community here in the HCIL, in the HCI field more broadly, and in the world as a whole.


Tim Summers & Sanjna Srivatsa,
University of Maryland, College Park

Using Business Intelligence and Machine Learning in financial decision making in Cybersecurity sector

Abstract: Cybersecurity is a complex and multifaceted challenge that is continuously growing in importance. It is a concern that not only affects banks and government agencies, as it constantly revealed through the media, but its implications expand beyond. It comes as no surprise that Wall Street would push efforts to cash in on the opportunity that is cybersecurity. In fact, cybercrime is fueling a worldwide cybersecurity market which is expected to grow from $75 billion presently to $170 billion by 2020. Hundreds of billions of dollars are being spent by consumers, businesses, governments, and the rest of the world to secure our ever-changing catalog of technology including, PCs, personal and corporate networks, the Internet of Things (IoT), and mobile devices. Despite a tumultuous stock market and poor venture capital returns, cybersecurity companies are raising large rounds of financing from investors. Due to the nascent nature of this field, the highly data-driven investment methodologies of old are not effective in guiding investment decisions. Investors complain that these methods are not agile and fall short when keeping up with current trends in the cybersecurity market. Our research utilizes principles of business intelligence and the latest research in hacker cognitive psychology to present a comprehensive, informative and easily digestible indicator for investors that is agile and self-optimizing. We present a model that considers blogosphere sentiment, relevant news, trend data, and real-time cyber-attack tools, techniques, and procedures to produce an investment indicator that will assist investors in their decision making.

Dr. Timothy Summers - Director of Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Engagement
PhD, Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University, selected Innovation and Design Fellow
M.S. in Information Security Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon University
Field of Interest: Cybersecurity - Providing a better understanding of hackers and their influence on our largest, most complex socio technological issues

Sanjna Srivatsa - Graduate Student of the Information Management Program specializing in Business Intelligence and Machine Learning
Graduate assistant for the Virtual Computing Lab
Independent study with Dr. Summers
Recipient of the MIM Alumni award for Academic excellence 2016


Raja Kushalnagar,
Gallaudet University

Multimedia for Deaf Eyes: How do we make multimedia accessible for deaf and hard of hearing people?

Abstract: Deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) people have relied on assistive and accessible technologies/services to consume or produce aural information. Some hard of hearing people rely on an assistive technology approach to enhance aural information for easier perception and understanding. Other hard of hearing and most deaf people rely on an accessible technology approach to transform the aural information to visual or tactile information for easier perception and understanding.

We will briefly discuss the history of DHH assistive and accessible technology. We will then go through interactive examples of how deaf and hard of hearing people consume and produce information through assistive and accessible technologies. After the examples, we will discuss how the differences in aural, visual and tactile modalities influence multimodal information consumption and production Finally, we will discuss the design and development of effective accessible computing solutions for multimodal information access.

Bio: Raja Kushalnagar is the Director of the Information Technology program in the Department of Science, Technology and Mathematics at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC.

His research interests encompass the fields of accessible computing and accessibility/intellectual property law, with the goal of improving access to multimodal information for deaf and hard of hearing (deaf) individuals. In the accessible computing field, he investigates how deaf individuals use aural-to-visual access such as speech-to-text or sign language interpreters and on multimodal access disparities between hearing and deaf. He also develops accessible computing solutions to address these disparities in multimodal information access. In the accessibility/intellectual property law field, he advocates for updates in accessible and intellectual property law, to incorporate accessible computing advances such as captioning/subtitling.

He worked in industry for over five years before returning to academia and disability law policy. Towards that end, he completed a J.D. and LL.M. in disability law, and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Science. He served on the Federal Communications Commission’s Consumer Advocacy Commission. He has published several peer-reviewed publications and received grants in the fields of accessible computing, accessible law and intellectual property law. He can be reached at

03/23/2017 No Brown Bag, Spring Break.

Dion Goh,
Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and information Nanyang Technological University

Gaming the System: How Useful are Game-based Approaches for Crowdsourcing Content?

Abstract: Crowdsourcing has become a major way of getting work done through an online community. In addition to employing volunteers or paid human experts, computer games are a possible means to attract participants for crowdsourcing projects. Such games are seen as a promising approach to crowdsourcing because they capitalize on people's desire for entertainment. In other words, they make crowdsourcing fun and engaging, fostering participation in the process.

This talk will introduce game-based approaches for crowdsourcing. The talk will illustrate these ideas in a specific context of crowdsourcing content, and in particular, mobile media. By blending games with crowdsourcing of mobile media, such applications provide entertainment and content is created as a result of gameplay. Nevertheless, there are challenges associated with game-based approaches for crowdsourcing since they have to meet the twin goals of entertaining users and producing quality output. Through various studies that will be presented, issues in creating these games as well as design lessons are discussed.

Bio: Dion Goh has a PhD in computer science. He is currently Associate Professor with Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), where is also the Founding and current Director of the Masters of Information Systems program in the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information. He was also the Founding Associate Chair of Graduate Studies of the school. His major areas of research are in mobile information sharing and seeking, social media perceptions and practices, and gamification techniques for shaping user perceptions and motivating behavior. Dion has led a number of funded projects in the use of gamification in mobile content sharing, the use of games for mental health interventions, human computation games for data analytics, mobile tagging, and collaborative querying.


Allison Druin
University of Maryland, College Park

Information @ the Extremes: The National Park Service and a Digital Future

Information access, use, preservation, and policy has taken on new meanings for me as I have worked in the federal government. My leave from UMD has spanned two presidential administrations and almost two years. Join me as I reflect on "information @ the extremes" and how we have brought participatory leadership to digital change at the National Park Service. The information I share with you represents my own opinions and ideas and does not reflect the positions of the National Park Service, nor the Department of the Interior, nor the federal government. I also ask that social media not be used to post a summary.

Dr. Allison Druin is currently a Special Advisor for National Digital Strategy at the National Park Service. To serve in the federal government, Dr. Druin has taken a 2-year leave of absence being a Professor from the University of Maryland. Previous to her position with the National Park Service, she was Chief Futurist for the UMD Office of the Vice President of Research, and co-founded the Future of Information of Alliance. One position that has not changed for almost 20 years, is being a proud member of the University of Maryland's Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL) where she founded "KidsTeam" to design new technologies for children with children as design partners. For over 12 years she worked with the National Park Service as an outside partner to help develop new digital experiences for learning about the historic, scientific, or cultural aspects of a park or NPS program.


Daniel Votipka
University of Maryland, College Park

Who is Mr. Robot?: A Study of the Humans Behind Software Vulnerability Discovery

Abstract: Finding security vulnerabilities in software is a critical task for any organization which still requires human effort even though automation has made significant strides in recent years. The task of vulnerability discovery typically falls on traditional software testers within an organization and white-hat hackers either through bug bounty programs or contracting. This talk explores the experiences, skills, processes, motivations, and metal models of these two communities. We describe our ongoing, semi-structured interview study which focuses on how these groups find bugs, how they have developed the necessary skills, and the challenges they face and give some preliminary findings.

Bio: Daniel Votipka is a PhD student in the CS Department at the University of Maryland, College Park. Daniel received his MS in Information Security, Technology, and Management from Carnegie Mellon University and his BS in Computer Science from the Illinois Institute of Technology. Daniel's research interests are in usable security, in particular, studying the security behaviors and mental models of those involved in the creation and use of software (i.e. developers, testers, and end-users).


Rebecca Stone
University of Maryland, College Park

Keeping Culture SAFe - DrupalCon Practice Talk

Bio: Currently works as a contractor for a global science and technology firm, where she specializes in Automated Behavioral Analysis, a unique and significant automated expansion of psychology's Applied Behavior Analysis. Rebecca co-chairs her company’s Women's Network Employee Resource Group at the enterprise level, where she is responsible for thirteen chapters both nationally and internationally and serving over 30,000 employees. Prior to this she served in the armed forces and worked in multiple technical and leadership positions around the world to include Europe, the Middle East, and the White House.

She also serves on many state commissions and national boards. She is the only Commissioner in Maryland's history to hold dual commissions: American Indian Affairs and Veterans Affairs. Nationally she has served on multiple boards, including the Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans, where she was the sub-committee chair on health under the former Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Bob McDonald.

Her dedication and loyalty have earned Rebecca multiple accolades, including the President’s Volunteer Service Award - Gold; the Defense Meritorious Service Medal; the Working Mother Magazine & National Association of Female Executives-Women of Excellence Rising Star Award; a CNN Hero nomination; and the 2016 Maryland Governor's Service Award.

Rebecca holds a BS in Psychology (USM) and completed the summer intensive program on cultural neuroscience at the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, she is currently pursuing an MS in Human Computer Interaction at UMD and is exploring research opportunities in UX surrounding cultures & sub-cultures and diversity differences in various technologies.

Rebecca is a member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the National Association of Female Executives (NAFE), Veterans of Foreign Wars, and the American Legion.

Abstract: The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) has provided one of the most accepted and widely used methods with which to scale agility within an organization. It also inherently calls upon the delivery of value to the customer. While value is typically encapsulated within the value stream, through areas such as vision and UX, one word that cannot be found anywhere within the framework is "culture".

This talk explores how consideration of culture and the target user(s) can dramatically shift the direction of a project, value stream or business. It also covers how this influences the vision and UX design within a portfolio. It will cover the cost of refactoring legacy code that did not consider target demographics when initially conceived, as well as some of the UX Research methods, such as ethnography, that can be used to build cultural consideration within your business model.

It will help people focus on a larger picture than just a team, project, program or portfolio approach to the end user... that end users themselves function as a system of systems that needs to be considered.

The talk is primarily aimed at intermediate practitioners: ScrumMasters/Developers/UX Content Strategists/Product Owners/CEOs/Biz Dev/UX Researchers/UX Designers/SAFe Practitioners

This session will be of interest to those with intermediate experience who work in UX, Agile, Business or Portfolio Vision/Management and who have an interest in how culture can be considered in SAFe and other Scaled Agile approaches.


Anthony Pellicone,
Elissa Redmiles,
Brenna McNally
University of Maryland, College Park

CHI Practice Talk

Anthony Pellicone

The Game of Performing Play: Understanding Streaming as Cultural Production

Abstract : Live streaming has become pervasive in digital game culture. Previous work has focused largely on technological considerations in streaming platforms. However, little is known about how streamers enter the practice, gain skills, and operate as content producers. We present a qualitative study of an online forum dedicated to streaming. By observing the conversations between veterans and newcomers to the practice, we develop an understanding of how streamers must tie together technological, social, and gameplay-based skills to craft an appealing performance of play. We find that a key skill in streaming is the development of a unique attitude and persona as a gamer, which permeates into every element of a streamer’s performance. As individual identity becomes important in streaming practice, design considerations for platform features such as community moderation and stream metrics may help improve equitable participation in this increasingly important aspect of game culture.

Bio: Anthony is in his fifth year of the Information Studies PhD program at the University of Maryland, and he will be defending his dissertation in May. Generally, he is interested in the ways that people learn, socialize, and play in online spaces dedicated to games. His previous work has centered on digital gameplay as an experience that is connected across multiple platforms and communities, and the culture of play in these environments. Currently he is researching both informal science learning in Alternate Reality Games, as well as live-streaming video games as an act of performance and cultural production.

Elissa Redmiles

Where is the Digital Divide? A Survey of Security, Privacy, and Socioeconomics

Abstract: The behavior of the least-secure user can influence security and privacy outcomes for everyone else. Thus, it is important to understand the factors that influence the security and privacy of a broad variety of people. Prior work has suggested that users with differing socioeconomic status (SES) may behave differently; however, no research has examined how SES, advice sources, and resources relate to the security and privacy incidents users report. To address this question, we analyze a 3,000 respondent, census-representative telephone survey. We find that, contrary to prior assumptions, people with lower educational attainment report equal or fewer incidents as more educated people, and that users’ experiences are significantly correlated with their advice sources, regardless of SES or resources.

Bio: Elissa Redmiles is a Ph.D. student at the University of Maryland in Computer Science. Her research focuses on understanding and measuring users' security behavior and developing security education interventions for at-risk users. She is the recipient of an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and a Facebook Fellowship. Prior to pursuing her Ph.D., Elissa held Marketing Management and Software Engineering roles at IBM and was a Data Science for Social Good Fellow at the University of Chicago.

Brenna McNally

Gains from Participatory Design Team Membership as Perceived by Child Alumni and their Parents

Abstract: The direct gains children perceive from their membership on Participatory Design (PD) teams are seldom the focus of research studies. Yet, how HCI practitioners choose to include children in PD methods may influence the value participants see in their participation, and thereafter the outcomes of PD processes. To understand what gains former child members of a PD team perceive from their participation we conducted a two-part study. In Study 1 we surveyed and interviewed child alumni of a PD team to determine gains that are perceived first-hand. In Study 2 we obtained a secondary perspective by surveying and interviewing parents of alumni. We report on the perceived gains to former participants that were identified and described in these two studies—including collaboration, communication, design process knowledge, and confidence. We reflect on our findings through discussions of the continued applicability of gains, new opportunities, and implications for PD practitioners and methods.

Bio: Brenna is a PhD candidate in Information Studies at the University of Maryland’s Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL). Brenna’s thesis investigates participant perspectives on their membership in an intergenerational Participatory Design team, with a focus on how participants view the ethics of their participation and perceive gains from participation. Brenna is also the Research Coordinator for Kidsteam: A co-design team that works with children to design technologies that support children’s learning and play. Through this work she has been a part of the design of many amazing children’s technologies with researchers throughout the university as well as numerous industry (e.g., Pearson International, Nickelodeon) and government (e.g., U.S. National Park Service, the Office of Science, Technology and Policy at the White House) organizations. Brenna has a M.S. in Human-Computer Interaction from the University of Maryland and a B.A. in Telecommunication- Digital Media, Art, and Technology from Michigan State University.


Fan Du,
Matthew Mauriello,
Majeed Kazemitabaar,
University of Maryland, College Park

CHI Practice Talk

Fan Du

PeerFinder: Finding Similar People to Guide Life Choices

Abstract: People often seek examples of similar individuals to guide their own life choices. For example, students making academic plans refer to friends; patients refer to acquaintances with similar conditions, physicians mention past cases seen in their practice. How would they want to search for similar people in databases? We discuss the challenge of finding similar people to guide life choices and report on a need analysis based on 13 interviews. Our PeerFinder prototype enables users to find records that are similar to a seed record, using both record attributes and temporal events found in the records. A user study with 18 participants and four experts shows that users are more engaged and more confident about the value of the results to provide useful evidence to guide life choices when provided with more control over the search process and more context for the results, even at the cost of added complexity.

Majeed Kazemitabaar

MakerWear: A Tangible Approach to Interactive Wearable Creation for Children

Abstract: Wearable construction toolkits have shown promise in broadening participation in computing and empowering users to create personally meaningful computational designs. However, these kits present a high barrier of entry for some users, particularly young children (K-6). In this paper, we introduce MakerWear, a new wearable construction kit for children that uses a tangible, modular approach to wearable creation. We describe our participatory design process, the iterative development of MakerWear, and results from single- and multi-session workshops with 32 children (ages 5-12; M=8.3 years). Our findings reveal how children engage in wearable design, what they make (and want to make), and what challenges they face. As a secondary analysis, we also explore age-related differences.

Bio: Majeed is Masters Student in the Computer Science department, working with Jon Froehlich in the HackerSpace. He co-designs, builds and evaluates technologies for children.

Matthew Mauriello

Exploring Novice Approaches to Smartphone-based Thermographic Energy Auditing: A Field Study

Abstract: The recent integration of thermal cameras with commodity smartphones presents an opportunity to engage the public in evaluating energy-efficiency issues in the built environment. However, it is unclear how novice users, without professional experience or training, approach thermographic energy auditing activities. In this paper, we recruited 10 participants for a four-week field study of end-user behavior exploring novice approaches to semi-structured thermographic energy auditing tasks. We analyze thermographic imagery captured by participants as well as weekly surveys and post-study debrief interviews. Our findings suggest that while novice users perceived thermal cameras as useful in identifying energy-efficiency issues in buildings, they struggled with interpretation and confidence. We characterize how novices perform thermographic-based energy auditing, synthesize key challenges, and discuss implications for design.

Bio: Matthew Louis Mauriello is a 6th year PhD Candidate working with Dr. Jon E. Froehlich in Sustainable HCI and Ubiquitous Computing.


Tim Dwyer
Monash University

Network Visualization and Immersive Analytics

Abstract: In this talk I will give an overview of on-going and recent research activities in the Monash Adaptive Visualisation Lab (MArVL). We currently have two significant research initiatives. The first is Network Visualisation, an area we have exploring for many years, with a focus on developing techniques to produce high-quality diagrams using constraint-based optimisation and alternative, scalable approaches to visualise large graphs. Our second research thrust in recent years has been Immersive Analytics: developing a new research area for the visualisation community that seeks to investigate the use of emerging display and interaction technologies and techniques for visualisation visual analytics. We believe these new technologies represent the potential for a paradigm shift in the utility and ubiquity of visual thinking.

Bio: Tim Dwyer received his PhD on "Two and a Half Dimensional Visualisation of Relational Networks" from the University of Sydney in 2005. He was a post-doctoral Research Fellow at Monash University from 2005 to 2008, then a Visiting Researcher at Microsoft Research, USA in 2008-2009. From 2009 to 2012 He worked as a Senior Software Development Engineer with the Visual Studio product group at Microsoft, USA. A highlight of this period was shipping the Code Map software dependency visualisation tool with Visual Studio 2012. In late 2012 He returned to Monash University as a Larkins Fellow where he now co-directs the Immersive Analytics Initiative and is a founding member of the Monash Adaptive Visualisation Lab.

Past Brown Bags

View the Past Brown Bag Lunch Schedules to learn more about prior talks.