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CMake installation and usage for Windows.

Installing CMake

Note: As of version 3.4, CMake requires administrative privilege to install even when selecting your home directory as the location. If you want to install CMake on a UMIACS-supported system (i.e. you are a non-admin), please send mail to staff to schedule a time where we can stop by and provide admin credentials.

  1. Retrieve the appropriate binary from
  2. Start the installer and choose a directory within your home directory.
    • You can choose to automatically modify the PATH variable so you can call CMake from the command line.

Using CMake

There are 2 options:

  • Use CMake from the command line if it has been added to your path.
  • Use the CMake GUI located in the bin directory within the install directory.

Configuring the Compiler Option:

  • With the GUI: Click configure and choose the compiler which has been installed on your system (some version of Visual Studio).
  • With the command line: Pass in the right compiler using the -G option. Typing cmake without any options will also display basic help.