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Exclamation-point.png These services are currently being deprecated in favor of the UMIACS Object Store. Please see OBJ. Depending on when your account was installed, you may or may not have web space or personal FTP access.

Web Pages

Please see Personal Web Space.

Personal FTP Sites for Distributing Data

Your FTP site is online at

On any supported UNIX workstation, you can access your FTP site as


Windows users can map it as a network drive from


Please note that anyone with an internet connection can log in and download these files. Do not use your FTP site to store confidential data.

This file system has regular backups with our TSM service and has Snapshots for easy user restores.

Usage Guidelines

Personal NAS is configured to be highly available and modest in both size and usage. Please store large or heavily accessed datasets in a dedicated project storage directory that is tuned for your application.

Please avoid storing shared project data in personal storage allocations. Separating project data from personal data will simplify administration and data management for both researchers and staff.