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This page outlines the various account types at UMIACS.

UMIACS Account

A traditional UMIACS account consists of the following components:

Active Directory Account
Provides access to UMIACS-supported computers, email, AR controlled resources, web services, and the VPN.
JIRA Account
Provides access to the JIRA Request Tracker. Please note that it is possible to set a separate password for this account, at which point it will no longer be synced from your Active Directory Account. Changing your Jira password DOES NOT change your Active Directory Account password.

Guest / Collaborator Account

Collaborator Accounts
Sponsored account to provide temporary access to UMIACS Web Services for non-UMIACS collaborators.

Request a UMIACS account

Fill out the account request form located at the UMIACS Account Request webapp. Please note that for the PI field you will be entering your PI/Professor/Sponsor's account name here at UMIACS. Also indicate any labs you are a member of in the notes field to speed up access to your lab's resources.

Once the form is submitted, it will return to you your initial password for your accounts, please keep it. If you forget your password, you can always come to the UMIACS Helpdesk in 3142 AVW with a photo ID to reset it. Accounts can take anywhere from a few hours to a day for installation, depending on how quickly your PI approves your account.

Changing account password

If you know your current password

The UMIACS Password Web Application can be used to change the password for UMIACS and UMIACS Collaborator accounts.

If you do not know your current password

Stop by the UMIACS Help Desk in room 3142 A.V. Williams Building with a photo ID.

If you are unable to physically stop by the UMIACS Help Desk, you can have your Account sponsor stop by the UMIACS Help Desk to reset the password on your behalf. The account sponsor will then be responsible to conveying the password to you in a secure manner. (i.e. Telephone, where they could identify you by voice)

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