UMIACS Account Introduction
UMIACS maintains several different systems and facilities. The basic UMIACS Account includes access to facilities including:
- E-mail (which is automatically spam filtered)
- Several login machines (OpenLAB)
- Basic home directory space
- Object Storage space
- The OpenLAB HPC cluster
- VPN, Printing ...
The goal of the OpenLAB is to provide a basic computing environment for communications, authoring, file sharing, and general administrative computing. Use of facilities are subject to the OpenLAB's Acceptable Use Policy.
Getting An Account
If you do not already have an account, you will need to fill out the account request form located at Please note that for the PI field you will be entering your PI/Professor/Sponsor's account name here at UMIACS. Also indicate any labs you are a member of in the notes field to speed up access to your lab's resources.
Once the form is submitted, confirm you email address by checking your personal email, and wait for your PI to approve the account request. Accounts can take anywhere from a few hours to a day for installation, depending on how quickly your PI approves your account.
Logging into your Account
Once your account has been installed, you can use SSH to login to
Account Maintenance
There are a few web applications for managing your account:
- Directory Profile - Change your mail delivery/forward options, change your shells, and setting of office numbers.
- UMIACS Change Password - Change your UMIACS password.
Where's my data?
Your UNIX home directory is accessible from most machines from your NFShomes. You may have different home directories in different locations while using specific labs' machines. Your local data processing is different depending on the operating system of your desktop, please see:
You can find out where your web space and FTP space are from NASUsers. Your lab may have data stored in GitLab repositories as well. If you need to access your data remotely, we recommend using SFTP. Many of our labs have specific network attached storage in addition to the default allocation a user is given.
Explore the rest of the wiki - if you have any problems or questions, you can contact the technical staff at
or at the UMIACS Helpdesk in Iribe Center room 3109.