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Thursday, July 19 Morning

8:30 am - 9 am: Registration & Continental Breakfast
9 am - 9:30 am: Welcome and Vision for the Workshop
9:30 - 11 am:  The Anatomy of a Financial Quandary
In-depth interviews a la Terry Gross of a panel of financial experts from academia, 
industry and regulatory agencies.
* Mark Flood and Nancy Wallace .. interviewed by Louiqa Raschid [1]
* Joe Langsam and Pete Kyle .. interviewed by H.V. Jagadish
11 am to 12 noon: The Dating Game
* What I would Like to LEARN
* What I can TEACH
* Who am I?
Exchange at least one LEARN and one TEACH card with a colleague and find a 
partner for introductions.
[Summary of What I can TEACH/What I would like to LEARN cards]

Thursday, July 19 Afternoon

12 - 1 pm: Lunch
1 - 2 pm Introductions of Workshop Participants
2 - 2:20 pm Michael Wellman Presentation (see Friday Agenda)
2:20 - 3:05 pm: Roundup of Challenges

Thursday, July 19 Afternoon

3:05 - 3:30 pm: Afternoon Break and Choose Your Challenge
3:30 to 5 pm: Breakout Session
 A Date with a Regulator to Resolve a Research Challenge

Thursday, July 19 Evening

Group Dinner

Zaytina Restaurant

701 9th Street NW, Washington DC 20001
Meet outside the Marriott or the Waterview at 5:15 p.m. to share a taxi.

Friday, July 20 Morning

8:30am-9am: Registration & Continental Breakfast
9am - 11:30 am: Fast paced tutorials (20 minutes + 10 minutes Q&A) on computational topics
  • Michael Wellman, University of Michigan (Thursday) - Strategic Reasoning and Agent-Based Modeling
 Financial scenarios are characterized by complex interactions among forward-looking
 self-interested agents.  I discuss an emerging methodology for strategic reasoning that
 bridges the gap between computational modeling and economic analysis by combining
 fine-grained simulation with game-theoretic solution concepts. These methods have 
 shed light on several scenarios in automated trading, and may be suitable for 
 understanding the implications of high-frequency trading in various market mechanisms.
  • Phil Bernstein, Microsoft Research - Metamodels
  - What's at stake in choosing a metamodel in a modeling environment? 
  - How do you deal with models expressed in heterogeneous metamodels?

  • Mike Bennett, EDM Council and David Newman, Wells Fargo - Conceptual Modeling and FIBO and Semantic Technologies
  - The value and role of a conceptual model in systems development.
  - The role in ontology development. 
  - Faceted representation using an example of an interest rate swap 
  - Comprehensive view of the transaction terms, rights and obligations, contract terms, etc.

 - An overview of the value of using operational ontologies based upon the Financial Industry 
   Business Ontology (vs. conventional technologies).
 - Data standardization, instrument classification, identifying impact of contractual 
    provisions and identifying legal entity linkage and exposures.
 - Relationship to enhanced institutional and macroprudential risk management.
  • Lucian Popa, IBM Almaden - Information Extraction and Modeling
 Midas is a research infrastructure to extract, clean, link, and integrate entities from public 
 unstructured data sources. A major focus area is in the financial domain and is based on the 
 regulatory filings that publicly traded companies periodically submit to the US Securities and 
 Exchange Commission (SEC).  By extracting and analyzing data spread over millions of documents, 
 we built an entity-centric repository for the network of major financial institutions, where the main 
 entities are financial companies, their loans and securities, their key executives and directors, 
 as well as relationships with other companies. We show how the resulting entities can be visualized 
 and further analyzed.  We show extensions of these methods to social media data collections.
  • Jerry Hoberg, Professor, Smith School of Business
Extracting sentiment from subsections of SEC filing to test the validity of financial hypothesis.
  • Benjamin Grosof and Leora Morgenstern, Technical Fellow and Senior Scientist, SAIC - Reasoning
Knowledge representation and reasoning with Financial Contracts.
  • William Ribarsky, Professor, University of North Carolina - Visual Analytics and Financial Analysis

Friday, July 20 Morning

Fireside chat: Life of a Finance Faculty in this Brave New World of Data
Russ Wermers and Gerard Hoberg and Michael Faulkender
Smith School of Business, University of Maryland

Friday, July 20 Afternoon

12-1 pm: Lunch 
Doctoral participants will be in the Jefferson Room for a meet and greet with Matt McCormick 
and Nathan Palmer of the OFR
1 - 2:30 pm: Breakout Session
Research Challenge
2:30-3 pm: Break
3 - 4 pm: Report Back on Research Challenges
4 - 4:30 pm: Wrap up