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Latest revision as of 16:19, 15 September 2008


To produce a status panel that can be used to manage reservations on a receiving server from the scheduler manager gui. This should get you familiar with using Swing in netbeans and with some of our localisms.

On receiving servers, many different storage pools may be defined. Each storage pool contains previously created reservations. Each reservation has it's own set of properties, and data organized into categories. Categories in a reservation, also called obligations, contain an ID, set of manifests (METS files) and data.

Accessing a receiving server

Most access to a receiving server is handled by static methods in the ReceiverAction class. These methods take a Receiver object and any number of method specific arguments. The Receiver object contains the address of a receiver and relevant security information. Receiver objects can be re-used over multiple calls to a receiver.


    Receiver recv = ReceiverAction.createReceiver("");
    for (String res : ReceiverAction.listReservations(recv,"tmppool"))
        System.out.println("Reservation: " + res);


  1. Create status JFrame with close button and title with name of storage pool. This frame is activated by clicking on 'status' after a receivers storage pool is selected.
  2. Add a list to view reservations in the given storage pool. This should display the information listed below. For extra fun, allowing sorting by any of the below attributes should be allowed. Probably a JTable in a JScrollPane will be your best bet.
    • reservation ID
    • current state
    • domain, user, managerURL
  3. Allow a user to click on the reservation and view list of categories in the reservation. this should be displayed in a jpanel in the same status window.
    • category id, description, root document
  4. Setup a local copy of the PAWN manager, scheduler, and receiving server to test with.
  5. Using your LOCAL INSTALL, add functionality to allow the removal of obligations and reservations from a receiving server.
  6. Bonus step: Navigate and view error report if applicable. This will likely need to be done in a seperate JFrame. The error report is available by calling getErrorReport. You will need to use either a SAX or DOM parser to load the returned error report and display in the appropriate components. To get started, you can just display teh error report in a jtextbox, then worry about the parsing and navigation. You should NOT manually parse the returned text.