From Adapt
- M. Smorul and J. JaJa. Implementation of a high performance architecture for managing and storing web-harvested collections. in Archiving 2011. 2011:IS&T pdf
- S. Song and J. JaJa. Effective Strategies for Temporally Anchored Information Retrieval, :UMIACS-TR-2010-05. 2010, University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies. pdf
- S. Song and J. JaJa. Techniques to Audit and Certify the Long Term Integrity of Digital Archives, International Journal of Digital Libraries, 2010. pdf
- J. JaJa and S. Song, Robust Tools and Services for Long-Term Preservation of Digital Information, Special Issue: Library of Congress National Digital Information and Preservation Parntership, 57:3, 580-594, 2009. pdf
- Song, S. and JaJa, J. Search and Access Strategies for Web Archives. in Archiving 2009. 2009: IS&T. pdf
- Smorul, M. and JaJa, J. A Case Study in Distributed Collection Monitoring and Auditing Using the Audit Control Environment (ACE). in Archiving 2009. 2009: IS&T.
- Smorul, M., Song, S., and JaJa, J. An Implementation of the Audit Control Environment(ACE) to Support the Long Term Integrity of Digital Archives. in DigCCurr 2009. 2009: University of North Carolina.pdf
- JaJa, J., Smorul, M., and Song, S. Tools and Services for Long-Term Preservation of Digital Archives. in Indo-US Workshop on International Trends in Digital Preservation. 2009. Pune, India pdf
- Song, S. and JaJa, J. Fast Browsing of Archived Web Contents. in 8th International Web Archiving Workshop. 2008. Aarhus, Denmark. pdf
- Song, S. and JaJa, J., Archiving Temporal Web Information: Organization of Web Contents for Fast Access and Compact Storage:UMIACS-TR-2008-08. 2008, University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies. pdf
- Smorul, M., McGann, M., and JaJa, J. PAWN: A Policy-Driven Environment for Implementing Producer-Archive Interactions in Support of Long Term Digital Preservation. in Archiving 2007. 2007: IS&T. pdf
- Song, S. and JaJa, J. ACE: A Novel Software Platform to Ensure the Integrity of Long Term Archives. in Archiving 2007. 2007: IS&T. pdf
- Smorul, M., McGann, M., and JaJa, J. The Use of the Producer-Archive Workflow Network (PAWN) in Support of Customized Archival Practice. in DigCCurr 2007. 2007. Chapel Hill, North Carolina. pdf
- Song, S. and JaJa, J., Web Archiving: Organizing Web Objects into Web Containers to Optimize Access:UMIACS-TR-2007-42. 2007, University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies. pdf
- Geremew, M., Song, S., and JaJa, J. Using Scalable and Secure Web Technologies to Design a Global Format Registry Prototype: Architecture, Implementation, and Testing. in Proceedings of Archiving 2006. 2006. Ottawa, Canada: IS&T. pdf
- JaJa, J., Smorul, M., McCall, F., and Wang, Y. Scalable, Reliable Marshalling and Organization of Distributed Large Scale Data Onto Enterprise Storage Environments. in The 22nd IEEE / 13th NASA Goddard Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies. 2005. Monterey, California: IEEE Computer Society. pdf
- JaJa, J., McCall, F., Smorul, M., Moore, Y., and Chadduck, R. Digital Archiving and Long Term Preservation: An Early Experience with Grid and Digital Library Technologies. doc
- Smorul, M., JaJa, J., Wang, Y., and McCall, F., PAWN: Producer – Archive Workflow Network in Support of Digital Preservation:UMIACS-TR-2004-49. 2004. pdf
- Smorul, M., JaJa, J., McCall, F., Brown, S.F., Moore, R., Marciano, R., Chen, S.-Y., Lopez, R., and Chadduck, R., Recovery of a Digital Image Collection Through the SDSC/UMD/NARA Prototype Persistent Archive:UMIACS-TR-2003-105. 2003. pdf
- Smorul, M. ACE DPIF presentation at NIST, Mar 10ppt
- Smorul, M. ACE Presentation for GeoMapp yearly meeting August 09 ppt
- Smorul, M. and JaJa, J. Tools and Services for the Long Term Preservation and Access of Digital Archives, Sun Pasig, GW University ppt
- Smorul, M. ACE Experiences, DigCcurr 2009 Chapel Hill NC ppt
- Song, S. and JaJa, J. Search and Access Strategies for Web Archives. in Archiving 2009. 2009: IS&T. ppt
- JaJa, J., Smorul, M., and Song, S. Tools and Services for Long-Term Preservation of Digital Archives. in Indo-US Workshop on International Trends in Digital Preservation. 2009. Pune, India ppt
- Sun Pasig Baltimore, ADAPT Tools overview ppt
- ERA Research Project: Ingestion and Preservation Tools and Services (Partnerships in Innovation 2008) ppt
- Fast Browsing of Archived Web Contents: International Web Archiving Workshop 2008 at Aarhus, Denmark (August 18-19, 2008) pdf
- ACE: NDIIPP Partners Meeting at Arlington, VA (July 8-10, 2008) ppt
- NARA Presenation on recent research (6/08)
- Technical Overview of Processes ppt
- Midwest Archives Conference (4/08) ppt
- PAWN, NAGARA Kansas City Meeting (7/07) ppt
- ACE Presentation: NDIIPP and NARA review (7/07) ppt
- July project review, PAWN update (7/07) ppt
- PAWN Presentation at Archiving 2007 (5/07) ppt
- ACE Presentation at Archiving 2007 (5/07) ppt
- Long Term Sustainment of Digital Information for Science and Engineering, NIST Interoperability Week(04/07) ppt
- DigCCurr 2007 (4/07) ppt
- NDIIPP Focus Breakout (1/07) ppt
- NDIIPP PAWN Breakout (1/07) ppt
- NDIIPP Pecha Kucha Session (1/07) ppt
- Presentation at Archives II (2006-07-28) ppt
- Library of Congress (7/06) ppt
- July project review, PAWN update (7/06) ppt
- Using Scalable and Secure Web Technologies to Design Global Format Registry (Archiving 2006 - 5/06) ppt
- Robust Technologies for Automated Ingestion and Long-Term Preservation of Digital Information (5/06) ppt
- Grid brick overview (11/05) ppt
- FOCUS overview (10/05) ppt
- Pawn Release III status (10/05) ppt
- June project review, PAWN update (6/05) ppt
- March NGDA data supplier meeting, ADAPT/PAWN/GRASP/GLCF (3/05) ppt
- Esip Federation Spring 05
- Introduction (Mike Smorul / Gary Jackson) ppt
- SRB Overview (Mike Smorul) ppt
- Globus Overview (Gary Jackson) ppt
- GRASP (Mike Smorul) ppt
- LPE (Gary Jackson) ppt
- PAWN for Scientific Collections (Mike Smorul) ppt
- Globus vs SRB (Mike Smorul) ppt
- PAWN, LPE, GRASP overviews for JAXA/GLCF meeting (2/05) ppt
- Archiving2009 Web Archiving poster 5/09 ppt
- Archiving2009 ACE poster 5/09
- NDIIPP PAWN poster 1/07 ppt
- NDIIPP ACE poster 1/07 ppt
- NDIIPP Focus poster ppt
- NDIIPP Adapt poster ppt
- PAWN and ADAPT poster 9/05 ppt
- Student jobs brochure 9/05 ppt
- PAWN Poster for Nov 04 NARA Conference 11/04 ppt