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Latest revision as of 16:36, 15 September 2008

Account types in PAWN

RoleRecords Creator
Records ManagerSystem Admin
Set attachment points/create divisions X X
build packages X
registers packages X
Approves Packages X X
Archive Packages X
Create Accounts X X

Account Creation

1. Create keystore

keytool -genkey -alias pawn -keystore keystore_file.keystore


[toaster@loach ~]$ keytool -genkey -alias pawn -keystore rick.keystore
Enter keystore password:  password
What is your first and last name?
  [Unknown]:  Rick Lopez
What is the name of your organizational unit?
  [Unknown]:  ERA
What is the name of your organization?
  [Unknown]:  NARA
What is the name of your City or Locality?
  [Unknown]:  College Park
What is the name of your State or Province?
  [Unknown]:  MD
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
  [Unknown]:  US
Is CN=Rick Lopez, OU=ERA, O=NARA, L=College Park, ST=MD, C=US correct?
  [no]:  yes
Enter key password for <pawn>
        (RETURN if same as keystore password):

2. Get keystore serial number

keytool -list -v -keystore keystore_file.keystore

[toaster@loach ~]$ keytool -list -v -keystore rick.keystore
Enter keystore password:  password
Keystore type: jks
Keystore provider: SUN
Your keystore contains 1 entry
Alias name: pawn
Creation date: May 12, 2005
Entry type: keyEntry
Certificate chain length: 1
Owner: CN=Rick Lopez, OU=ERA, O=NARA, L=College Park, ST=MD, C=US
Issuer: CN=Rick Lopez, OU=ERA, O=NARA, L=College Park, ST=MD, C=US
<b>Serial number: 42838a27</b>
Valid from: Thu May 12 12:53:59 EDT 2005 until: Wed Aug 10 12:53:59 EDT 2005
Certificate fingerprints:
         MD5:  F8:4C:4A:D3:8F:6C:2B:AC:D9:97:54:0E:17:D8:68:4B
         SHA1: 4B:40:D9:E0:EC:69:4B:5D:20:82:7E:FA:4C:07:E1:D1:4D:14:10:D8

3. Register and create account in PAWN as administrator. In the menu, go to 'Admin' -> 'Acccounts'

Name: short name
Serial: serial from keystore
Description: Full name, etc.
Group Membership: select groups to add to


Groups in PAWN

Accounts can be bundled together into groups to make assigning permissions to attachment points easier. Groups can be crated using

4. As as admin, you can add new groups going to 'Admin' -> 'Groups' in the menu


-- Main.MikeSmorul - 12 May 2005