Ace:Release Guidlines
From Adapt
The tests should be performed prior to an ACE release. As many of these as possible should be included in the maven/hudson configs for automated testing.
Prior to release testing, please make sure all bugs/features for that version have been completed on Redmine. Update maven version and footer version prior to creating a release package.
Source Testing
- export a clean copy of the 'svn export ace-test'
- 'mvn package' in root, and make sure the build succeeds.
Clean deploy testing
- Create a new database using the current ace ace-am.sql file.
- From your build, deploy the war file in ace-am/target/ace-am-XXX.war
Upgrade testing
- Grab the previous ace release, install the schema and war file
- register the test collection.
- shutdown instance, run update sql file, drop in new war file
- Check error log for errors, check display for major feature changes, run test audit on existing colleciton, register new collection.
A binary distribution can be created by running 'mvn package' in the root project. This will create a binary tgz and zip file in ace-dist/target that has all necessary war, db, and documenation.