All projects
From Adapt
- Producer Archive-Workflow Network (PAWN)
- A mature software platform that is extremely flexible in implementing centralized and distributed ingestion and processing workflows. It is built on an infrastructure-independent scalable, secure, and reliable architecture. Working with NARA, we developed several versions of the software, which demonstrated how current NARA practices could be represented in a distributed platform. Specifically, PAWN was able to demonstrate the following capabilities
- Approval and signature gathering that can be customized depending on ingest requirements of a record schedule
- A mechanism to allow users to have customizable roles rather than locking users into predefined roles.
- Show how to present Record Schedules to end users through easy to understand templates.
- Allow automated and manual process chains to be defined and executed on data in PAWN. In addition, allow these chains to be customized depending on record set and template requirements.
- Audit Control Environment (ACE)
- Web Archiving
- Format Curation Service (FOCUS)