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Pawn:Configure Receiving Server

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Out of date, for .5 release

Install Receiving Server

The receiving server does not store it's configuration locally, rather it pulls it from a scheduler on startup. To configure a receiving server, it needs a local keystore containing the key it will use to communicate with the scheduler, and a username/password to authenticate against the scheduler. You must setup the entry on the scheduler first. (developers, there is a sample keystore receive.p12 included with the source code)

Before you begin

  • You should have a directory available to store data on the receiving server. This is called a storage pool.
  • A keystore needs to be created and contained signed keys for this receiving server to use.
  • A working scheduler to hold configs.

Setup the Receiving Server entry on the scheduler

You will need to configure a username/password on the scheduler, and let the scheduler know which storage pools are available.

Install service

Copy the pawn-archive.jar to the /webapps directory on your tomcat installation. Tomcat >= 5.5.9 is recommended, or you will need to update some XML libraries. Copy the sample pawn-archive.xml file into /conf/Catalina/localhost. You should edit the following parameters in the file:

  • edu.umiacs.pawn.archive.scheduler.url - url of scheduler to pull configuration from. This is usually in the form =
  • edu.umiacs.pawn.archive.scheduler.hostname - hostname of this host, necessary if hostname registered hostname is different from the return value of 'hostname'
  • edu.umiacs.pawn.archive.scheduler.password - password to use to authenticate to scheduler
  • edu.umiacs.pawn.archive.authority.url - url of authority to pull SAML Assertions from (combined with scheduler). Usually in the form
  • edu.umiacs.pawn.archive.keystore.file - location of PKCS12 keystore for this receiving server
  • edu.umiacs.pawn.archive.keystore.alias - alias in keystore where private keypair used by this server sits
  • edu.umiacs.pawn.archive.keystore.password - password for keystore and alias.

In addition to these configuration options, standard log4j configuration can also be included and tuned.


TBD: what should be in a keystore.. use the receiver.p12 in the project directory for now.

You should now be ready to start tomcat. When it starts, you should notice some lines in the log file (if configured) similiar to the ones that follow.

[29/Sep/2005:19:55:43] edu.umiacs.pawn.receiving.config.ConfigLoader Loading schema from scheduler
[29/Sep/2005:19:55:43] edu.umiacs.pawn.receiving.config.ConfigLoader Loading schema from scheduler
[29/Sep/2005:19:56:02] edu.umiacs.pawn.receiving.config.ConfigLoader Processing pool: 5gig
[29/Sep/2005:19:56:02] edu.umiacs.pawn.receiving.config.ConfigLoader Processing pool: 5gig
[29/Sep/2005:19:56:02] edu.umiacs.pawn.receiving.vault.StoragePool creating storage pool: 5gig in: /tmp/pool
[29/Sep/2005:19:56:02] edu.umiacs.pawn.receiving.vault.StoragePool creating storage pool: 5gig in: /tmp/pool
[29/Sep/2005:19:56:02] edu.umiacs.pawn.receiving.config.ConfigLoader New Pool, adding path: /tmp/pool
[29/Sep/2005:19:56:02] edu.umiacs.pawn.receiving.config.ConfigLoader New Pool, adding path: /tmp/pool
[29/Sep/2005:19:56:02] edu.umiacs.pawn.receiving.config.ConfigLoader Loading trust anchors
[29/Sep/2005:19:56:02] edu.umiacs.pawn.receiving.config.ConfigLoader Loading trust anchors
[29/Sep/2005:19:56:03] edu.umiacs.pawn.receiving.config.ConfigLoader Loading cert: C=US,ST=Maryland,L=College Park,O=UMI
ACS,OU=ADAPT CA,CN=Adapt Project CA,
[29/Sep/2005:19:56:03] edu.umiacs.pawn.receiving.config.ConfigLoader Loading cert: C=US,ST=Maryland,L=College Park,O=UMI
ACS,OU=ADAPT CA,CN=Adapt Project CA,
[29/Sep/2005:19:56:03] edu.umiacs.pawn.receiving.ArchiveContext Successfully loaded configs
[29/Sep/2005:19:56:03] edu.umiacs.pawn.receiving.ArchiveContext Successfully loaded configs