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SRB:Glcf Data Load

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Revision as of 17:48, 16 September 2008 by Toaster (talk | contribs)
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  1. Create the directory structure preceding the file you want to ingest.
    Smkdir /home/glcfsrb.umiacs/Landsat/WRS2/p132/r028/p132r28_5t19940912.TM-EarthSat-Orthorectified
  2. Register the files in that directory
    Sregister /.../* .
  3. Get the data_grp_id of the directory you created.
    get data_grp_id - 0002.000e.0004.0001.0001.0001.0001
  4. Get the data_id of the browse and preview images
    get browse file data_id - 119
    get preview file data_id - 122
  5. Create geo_granule_coll or geo_granule_obj row for the directory/file you registered.
    Sappend -i '/home/mcat.umiacs/testdb&SHADOW=' insert into GEO_GRANULE values ('0002.000e.0004.0001.0001.0001.0001','0 POLYGON ((103.242999937 45.3830000241, 105.593000071 45.0410000818, 106.228999979 46.6620000697, 103.811999936 47.0149999195, 103.242999937 45.3830000241))','Mongolia',119,122,'EarthSat',09/12/1994,09/12/1994,132,28,')

-- Main.MikeSmorul - 02 May 2005