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Webarc:MediaWiki-to-TREC Converter

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Revision as of 22:15, 9 November 2009 by Scsong (talk | contribs)
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What It Does

This tool converts the default MediaWiki XML dump format to the TREC-complaint format. For our experimental purposes, it also constructs a Java Berkeley DB for each month, which we call 'Fresh DB'. A 'Fresh DB' contains records corresponding to all wiki articles updated within a month. Each record in DB has the form of { docID, (revision date, file name, offset) }.

How To Build

In Eclipse, configure a run

  1. Right-click on 'mwprep' in Package Explorer, select 'Run As.. --> Run Configurations'.
  2. On the left pane, right click on 'Java Application --> New'
  3. Enter 'mwprep' in the Name field on the right pane.
  4. Select 'mwprep' in the Project field.
  5. Select '' in the Main class field
  6. Click 'Apply'
  7. Click 'Close'

In Eclipse, export mwprep as a runnable JAR.

  1. Right-click on 'mwprep' in Package Explorer, select 'export'.
  2. Select 'mwprep - mwprep' as Launch configuration.
  3. Put mwprep.jar in Export destination
  4. Select 'Package required libraries into generated JAR'
  5. Click 'Finish'

In a shell terminal (or a command line prompt in Windows), change directory to where lremonthlydumper.jar is located.

mkdir preprocessed-monthly
java -jar mwprep.jar <WikiDump.lst>


<WikiDump.lst>: A file that lists the locations of the monthly snapshots extracted from the WikiMedia XML dump. You probably want to break down the entire list into multiple smaller files and run multiple mwprep's in parallel.

Example contents in a list file:



  1. Under the 'preprocessed-monthly' directory, TREC-complaint files. The converted file for the original XML file <filename>.xml is named as trec-<filename>.xml.
  2. Under the 'bdb-monthly' directory, directories for Fresh DBs. Each directory corresponds to a DB which in turn corresponds to a single month. The DB directories are named as '<filename>-fresh'.


The name of the output directories (preprocessed-monthly and bdb-monthly) are hard-coded in Change these as necessary, or even better, parameterize them.

Source Code

svn co