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Ace:JSON Interface

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The following functionality is visible through a JSON interface. To generate JSON output, append json=1 to the request on any supported servlet.


Returns an overview of all collections in the current ACE installation


  • none


A list containing the replication details for all collections is returned. Unless otherwise noted, all values are strings

collections : [ - array containing the following properties
  id - numeric ID of collection (long)
  name - descriptive name
  directory - base directory
  lastSync - date of last sync (Tue Sep 23 12:31:21 EDT 2008)
  storage - string name for storage type
  checkPeriod - int for number of days to check collection
  proxyData - boolean, true if data may be proxied through ACE
  auditTokens - boolean, should digests and tokens be audited along w/ files
  state - char, current state of collection ....
  totalFiles - long, number of files in collection
  fileAuditRunning - boolean, true if a file audit is in progress
  tokenAuditRunning - boolean, true if a token audit is in progress
  The following objects will ONLY exist if a file or token audit is running
  fileAudit : {
    totalErrors - long, total number of errors encountered thus far
    newFilesFound - long, new files found in collection
    filesSeen - long, total files processes so far
    lastFileSeen - last file processed
    tokensAdded - long, new tokens issued during this audit
  tokenAudit : {
    totalErrors - long, total number of errors encountered thus far
    tokensSeen - long, total number of digests/tokens loaded
    validTokens - number of tokensa/digests validated against round summaries


Invoking URL: http://localhost:8080/ace-am/Status?json=1


{"collections": [
    "id": 18,
    "name": "3 layer, 10files, 50dirs",
    "directory": "/",
    "lastSync": "Wed Jan 07 12:25:54 EST 2009",
    "storage": "benchmark",
    "checkPeriod": 0,
    "proxyData": false,
    "auditTokens": false,
    "state": "A",
    "totalFiles": 1250000,
    "fileAuditRunning": true,
    "tokenAuditRunning": false,
    "fileAudit": {
      "totalErrors": 0,
      "newFilesFound": 0,
      "filesSeen": 161468,
      "lastFileSeen": "/dir-6/dir-22/dir-46/file-7",
      "tokensAdded": 0


Event log is a session away log servlet that can be used to query for log events. Events are attached to a collection, a particular invocation of an audit called a session, and to a particular item by path.


  • start - log entry id to start display at
  • count - number of results to return
  • toggletype - filter to toggle, one of 'errors','missing','newmaster','sync'
  • top
  • sessionId - sessionID to get events for, or set to 0 to clear
  • logpath - path to get events for, or set to empty to clear
  • collection - collection to retrieve events for, or set to 0 to clear
  • clear - set to 1 to reset any filters, if you do not want to cache filters, then you can supply this with every call


Log items along with current paging and query information for the log

start - long, starting log entry
count - int, number of entries asked for (actual results may be less)
session - long, current session filter if any (opt)
collection - long, current collection filter (opt)
logpath - current path filter (opt)
filter  - array of currently used filters, 'errors','missing','newmaster','sync'
events : [ array containing log events
  id - long, numeric ID of log entry 
  date - timestamp of entry
  session - long, session this entry belongs to
  type - int, type of log entry, complete list available at [Ace:Log Messages]
  collection - long, collection this entry is attached to (opt)
  path - path this item is attached to
  description - descriptive message for this entry


Display default (last 20) listings

URL: http://localhost:8080/ace-am/EventLog?clear=1&json=1


  "start": 0,
  "count": 20,
  "filter": [],
  "events": [
      "id": 27796479,
      "date": "Thu Jan 08 21:03:06 EST 2009",
      "session": 1231448172510,
      "type": 5,
      "description": "Round: 681048",
      "collection": 24,
      "path": "/dir-49/dir-49/dir-49/file-0"
      "id": 27796480,
      "date": "Thu Jan 08 21:03:06 EST 2009",
      "session": 1231448172510,
      "type": 5,
      "description": "Round: 681048",
      "collection": 24,
      "path": "/dir-49/dir-49/dir-49/file-1"

Display 20 items, starting at item 0, of type sync, clear all session parameters

URL: http://localhost:8080/ace-am/EventLog?start=0&count=20&toggletype=sync&clear=1&json=1


  "start": 0,
  "count": 20,
  "filter": ["sync"],
  "events": [
      "id": 25296472,
      "date": "Thu Jan 08 15:09:05 EST 2009",
      "session": 1231445345516,
      "type": 20,
      "description": "",
      "collection": 23,
      "path": "/"
      "id": 25296473,
      "date": "Thu Jan 08 15:09:14 EST 2009",
      "session": 1231445345516,
      "type": 21,
      "description": "",
      "collection": 23,
      "path": "/"


Report generation servlet that will list all items whose state is not currently active.


  • collectionid - long, id of collection to report on
  • start - item to start reporting at (counting forward from item)
  • top - item to start reporting at (count backwards from item)
  • count - Items to display (default 20)


items - [ - array containing invalid items, this is the MonitoredItem java object
  id - long, id of item
  state - current state of item, see ....
  directory - boolean, is this item a directory or file (true if directory)
  path - full item path
  parentPath - path of items parent
  lastSeen - last time item was seen intact
  stateChange - date when state of item was changed (when it was noticed bad)


List all corrupt items for collection id=8, starting at item 9467603, 5 results returned

URL: http://localhost:8080/ace-am/Report?start=9467603&collectionid=8&count=5&json=1


  "collection": 8,
  "count": 5,
  "next": 11323831,
  "entries": [
      "id": 9474918,
      "state": "M",
      "directory": false,
      "path": "/dlib/DLTs/DLT367/DLT367/1/content/census/sdg13533/s13533.it41501",
      "parentPath": "/dlib/DLTs/DLT367/DLT367/1/content/census/sdg13533",
      "lastSeen": "Mon Oct 27 18:36:16 EDT 2008",
      "stateChange": "Sun Nov 09 19:41:44 EST 2008"
      "id": 9512722,
      "state": "M",
      "directory": false,
      "path": "/dlib/DLTs/DLT367/DLT367/1/content/census/sdg13543/",
      "parentPath": "/dlib/DLTs/DLT367/DLT367/1/content/census/sdg13543",
      "lastSeen": "Mon Oct 27 19:19:51 EDT 2008",
      "stateChange": "Sun Nov 09 19:41:44 EST 2008"
      "id": 11323829,
      "state": "M",
      "directory": false,
      "path": "/dlib/DLTs/DLT651-601-other/1/content/BACKUPS/acquisitions/comp080406/rms4551.FN21898/SSYSD/Interviews/Not Pseudonymed/Year 5/OTTAWA/doc04551-all_yr51500108.txt",
      "parentPath": "/dlib/DLTs/DLT651-601-other/1/content/BACKUPS/acquisitions/comp080406/rms4551.FN21898/SSYSD/Interviews/Not Pseudonymed/Year 5/OTTAWA",
      "lastSeen": "Wed Oct 29 16:33:40 EDT 2008",
      "stateChange": "Sun Nov 09 19:41:44 EST 2008"
      "id": 11323830,
      "state": "M",
      "directory": false,
      "path": "/dlib/DLTs/DLT651-601-other/1/content/BACKUPS/acquisitions/comp080406/rms4551.FN21898/SSYSD/Interviews/Not Pseudonymed/Year 5/OTTAWA/doc04551-all_yr51500305.txt",
      "parentPath": "/dlib/DLTs/DLT651-601-other/1/content/BACKUPS/acquisitions/comp080406/rms4551.FN21898/SSYSD/Interviews/Not Pseudonymed/Year 5/OTTAWA",
      "lastSeen": "Wed Oct 29 16:33:40 EDT 2008",
      "stateChange": "Sun Nov 09 19:41:44 EST 2008"