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Revision as of 16:16, 15 September 2008 by Toaster (talk | contribs)
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Create a filechooser modeled on JFileChooser.

The chooser should accept and return SRBFile or GeneralFile. This will be called an SRBFileChooser and be part of the pawn-srb plugin.


1. Modify the existing srbfilechooser.
The sun jfilechooser is contained in one package. However, this doesn't work well with netbeans for modifying the look and feel later on. You should create a new jpanel/jdialog that holds the layout and a wrapper srbfilechooser. At the end of the day, your new classes should be able to be invoked in the same manner as jfilechooser.

Please see the jfilechooser docs for example code. Don't worry about filters and multiple selection for now.

2. Add basic file / directory filters
Implement the setFileSelectionMode, setMultiSelectionEnabled, setFileHidingEnabled
3. Add file filters
Implement setFileFilter and appropriate fileFilter interfaces
4. Add fileview / accessory items (Optional)
In the same way that jfilechooser can be customized w/ regards to display, you should implement the Accessory and fileview components.
