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 * Created on February 10, 2006, 3:19 PM
 * To change this template, choose Tools | Options and locate the template under
 * the Source Creation and Management node. Right-click the template and choose
 * Open. You can then make changes to the template in the Source Editor.

package edu.umiacs.pawn.resource;

import java.util.Date;

 * @author toaster
public interface TransferContext
     * Return ID of current object. This is only valid between start/end object
     * calls.
     * @return urn of current object
    public long getCurrentObject();
     * Retrun the id of the current working manifest. This is only valid between
     * start/end manifest calls.
     * @return urn of current manifest
    public long getCurrentManifest();
     * Get the namespace of the current manifest. This is only valid between 
     * start/end manifest calls
     * @return namespace of current manifest
    public String getNamespace();
     * get the absolute path of an item from the category/obligation root to 
     * parent manifest.
     * @return path from obligation root to parent manifest
    public long[] getAbsoluteParentPath();
     * get the parent path from the user-chosen manifest to current parent.
     * @return parent path from selected manifest, or null if working on root manifest
    public long[] getRelativeParentPath();
     * Return the descriptive name for a path component.
     * @return descriptive name of path, null if pathID is not part of current path
    public String getPathComponentName(long pathID);
     * Context-specific properties
     * Set an error message for a given item. The error will be attached to the 
     * current object/manifest/metadata. If this is called prior to any object/manifest
     * it's assumed the error applies to the entire archive action. Multiple errors
     * may be added to any item.
     * @param name descriptive name of the error
     * @param fatal did this error prevent the item from being archived.
     * @param content descriptive message about this error, may be null.
    public void addError(String name, boolean fatal, String content);
     * Abort the entire transfer. This should be used lightly and mainly in the
     * startTransfer/setParameters calls. Resources should handle any cleanup prior
     * to calling this. Calling abort will result in NO more calls to the DataMover, ie
     * you will not get EndTransfer called.
     * @param reason short reason why transfer aborted
     * @param details detailed message, IE stack trace, or other descriptive message. May be null.
    public void abortTransfer(String reason, String details);
     * Return an input stream for the current object/manifest/metadata. This is 
     * only gaurenteed to be available during calls to processXXX. Any other time
     * the result is undefined.
     * @throws If pawn cannot retrieve bits from a reservation, generally shouldn't happen
     * @return inputstream to current item
    public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException;
     * Return name of current metadata/object/manifest as defined by the creating 
     * interface
     * @return get name of current item
    public String getName(); 
     * Return type of current metadata/object/manifest as defined by the creating 
     * interface
     * @return get bundle-defined type of current item
    public String getType(); 
     * return mime type of current object/metadata, not valid for manifests
     * @return mimetype of current item
    public String getMimeType();
     * Return creation date for metadata/data if appropriate. 
     * @return creation date of current item
    public Date getCreationDate();
     * get size of item, valid for objects/metadata only
     * @return size of current item
    public long getSize();
     * return current urn, valid for metadata/data/manifest
     * @return string urn of item
    public long getID();
     * get original url of items, valid for objects/metadata only.
     * @return url of item
    public String getOriginalURL();
     * get checksum, valid for objects only
     * @return checksum string
    public String getChecksum();
     * get mets checksum type sring, valid for objects only
     * @return checksum type string
    public String getChecksumType();
     * get a temporary directory. Any items in this directory will be deleted 
     * after the resource is finished.
    public getTemporaryDirectory() throws;

-- Main.MikeSmorul - 02 Nov 2007