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Ace:Windows Installation

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Detailed instructions for installing MySQL, Tomcat, and ACE on Windows XP.

Download Items

Download the following and save to your computer.

Install MySQL

Double-click on the tomcat file you downloaded.

Create MySQL database

1. Open MySQL CLI

Go to Start -> All Programs -> MySQL -> MySQL Server 5.1 -> MySQL Command Line Client

2. Create Database

Type in 'create database aceam;'

3. Grant Permissions

Type in 'grant all on aceam.* to 'aceam'@'localhost' identified by 'YOUR_PASSWORD'; Change YOUR_PASSWORD to be some other password. This is only used by the ace software to connect to the database. Users using ACE will not need to know this.

4. Create database tables

Install Tomcat

1 Run installer

walk through the following screens to install tomcat for ACE.

Now that tomcat is installed, stop the service and get ready for the last step.

Install ACE

1 Install jdbc driver.

ACE requires a database driver to be installed in tomcat to fully work. Copy the jdbc file from your download directory to the lib directory in tomcat.

2 Copy ACE software

Copy the ace-am.war file you downloaded into the webapps directory of tomcat.

3 Edit the ACE configuration