Pawn:Manager Configuration
From Adapt
This is outdated, and for version .5 of PAWN.
Mysql should be installed on the machine you will be running the manager. The version included with redhat enterprise 3 or 4 will work fine. You should also have a copy of apache tomcat installed ( > version 5.5.9). You will also need to make sure that the mysql connector is installed into tomcat/common/lib. The connector is available at the bottom.
Configuring MySQL
As root, or the user that's running your mysql server, you'll need to create a database and account for pawn.
mysql> create database pawn3; mysql> grant all on pawn3.* to pawnapp@localhost identified by 'password'; mysql> grant all on pawn3.* to pawnapp@localhost.localdomain identified by 'password'; mysql>
Now as the user you will be running the pawn manager as, download the mysql tar file listed at the bottom and run the following:
tar -xzf mysql.tgz cd mysql cat load_schema.sql | mysql --user=pawnapp --database=pawn3 --password Enter password:
Configuring Apache Tomcat
In your tomcat/webapps directory place a copy of the pawn.war file. In tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost, save a copy of the attached context.xml as pawn.xml. You will need to edit it in the following way to suite your site.
<Parameter name="edu.umiacs.pawn.manager.SchedulerURL" value="http://localhost:8080/pawn-scheduler/services/Scheduler"/> <!-- SAML Authority config --> <Parameter name="edu.umiacs.pawn.manager.keyStoreFile" value="/WEB-INF/producer.p12"/> <Parameter name="edu.umiacs.wssec.keystore.passwd" value="producer"/> <Parameter name="edu.umiacs.wssec.keystore.aliaspasswd" value="producer"/> <Parameter name="edu.umiacs.wssec.keystore.privkeyalias" value="producer"/> <Parameter name="edu.umiacs.wssec.issuer" value="http://manager.namespace"/> <Parameter name="edu.umiacs.wssec.keystore.caalias" value="cacert"/> <Resource auth="Container" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" maxActive="25" maxIdle="5" maxWait="10000" name="jdbc/pawn-manager" password="password" type="javax.sql.DataSource" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/pawn3" username="pawnapp"/>
- Make sure the Resource clause has the correct username and password that you setup above in mysql.
- Change the edu.umiacs.wssec.issuer parameter to the namespace you want to refer to this manager as. This would usually be your local domain. IE, ,
- Change the edu.umiacs.pawn.manager.SchedulerURL parameter to point to the location of your pawn scheduler. If it's the same machine, just set it to the full name of the machine (ie,