Pawn:Managing Packages
From Adapt
Packages are groups of records that a producing site wants to be archived. Packages are created under record sets and the items of a package fill the categories of a record set.
Creating a new package
Quick steps to create a new package.
- Click on 'Packages'.
- Click on 'Build' in the package list window.
- Select a Record Set that matches the data you are archiving. These have been previously configured by a manger.
- In the package builder window, enter a description for your package
- Select and category and click attach files. You can add files(right click) and attach medata from the category builder window.
- When finished, click the build button at the bottom.
Modifying or browsing existing packages
- Click on 'Packages'.
- Select the package you want to modify and click 'View'
- Select the categoy you need to modify at the top.
- Click the 'Modify' button. Changes will take affect after you press finish.
Finishing packages
After a package is finished, the Lock/Unlock buttons on the package list can be used to freeze a package from further modification. After a package has been locked, only someone with appropriate authority can unlock a package so changes can be made.
Rejecting / Approving package items
Individual items in a package can be rejected, archived, or accepted for archiving. Items that are rejected, cannot be archived, and items the have been archived cannot be rejected. Only users whose role allows rejecting/archiving/accepting may make these changes to a package.
- Click on 'packages'.
- Select the package you want to audit/archive and click 'View'.
- Select the category you want to audit.
- Select the items in that category.
- Client accept/reject/process depending on what you want to do, and what you are allowed to do.
- (Archive Only) You will see a seperate window pop up asking how to archive the items.
- As you browse the items, you can see the current state of any item in a package. shows two rejected folders