Pawn:NDIIPP Demonstration
From Adapt
Connecting to the NDIIPP Pawn Demo
- Java 1.5 need to be installed. Download
- Get a username and password for PAWN. Use the keystore you received from UMD or your local contact.
- Follow the directions from the Connecting to Pawn section of the pawn documentation.
- hostname:
- username: _your personal account or demo account from below_
- password: _the account's password_
- keystore file: _where you downloaded the keystore from above_
- keystore alias: client
- keystore password: client
Available accounts (username / password)
Several domains have been setup to show how PAWN can handle data from many different producing sites. The domains I created are loosely based on information from The two domains listed below are the only ones that have been filled out with accounts, schedules, and record sets.
University of Maryland at College Park
This domain shows a very simple setup based on our project. The schedule has two groupings of data the first is to handle code and other items generated from our project, while the second is setup to handle test collections we have been using.
- umiacs
- client / client : Sample client in the Univ of MD domain. It has uploaded one package containing source code and documentation.
National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
The items in this domain show the simplest setup for <nop>PAWN. There are accounts for all roles. A simple schedule has been created that has one authority for uploading documents. There is one record set (template) available for end clients. The record set contains two categories that map to the same authority. Descriptions of the schedule, record set and authority have been added as well.
- ndiipp
- client / client : Sample Client that has uploaded one package.
- ndiipp
- manager / manager : Account setup as a records manager. This account can modify packages that clients have submitted
- ndiipp
- archive / archive : Account that would be responsible for pushing data from <nop>PAWN into the final archive (fedora, SRB, etc..)
In addition to the two domains, an Administrator account called ndiipp:admin with password admin has been setup so you can arrange domains any way you see fit.
Here's a a few quick step-by-step guides showing off some of PAWN's capabilities.
Sample Package Submission
- 1. Login
- Connect using username ndiipp:client and password client
- 2. Select Record Set
- Click on the Packages button in the upper-left. You will now see the Packages window. Click New in the upper left. From the Select Record Set windows, select Sample Record Set and click Select
- 3. Fill your package
- Select one of the two listed categories (Renamed Authority or E-mail correspondence) and click Attach Files. In the Create Package windows, click the Add button in the lower left. Select some files that you want to load to PAWN and hit Open. You can attach single files or whole directories. You may attach items to the remaining category if you wish.
- 4. Submit your package
- Enter a name for your package in the Description field. Click on the Build button. Your package is now submitted to the PAWN receiving server at UMIACS.
- 5. View your package
- After the submission is finished, you will be brought back to the Packages window. You should see the package you submitted listed. To view it, you can select the package and click Open. From the drop down menu by category, you will see the Sample Authority listed twice. This is the name of the record schedule authority your files map into. Selecting either of the listed categories should let you browse your files.
- 6. Modify your files
- Click the Modify button on the top to edit the contents of the package you created.
- 1. Login
- Connect using username ndiipp:admin and password admin
- 2. Select a domain
- In the Selected Domain window, choose Change. Now, in the Select a Domain window, choose Library of Congress and click Select.
- 3. List Packages
- On the top bar, click Packages. You should see a list of all packages that have been loaded into this PAWN manager. leave this window open.
- 4. Change domain
- In the Selected Domain window, choose Change. Now, in the Select a Domain window, choose National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program and click Select. You should see the any packages belonging to umiacs accounts disappear.
- 5. View users
- Click on the users box and try switching domains again. You will see how users are tied to various domains. You can try the same for Schedules and Record Sets.
Installation details
- management and all components running on lcpawn under the naraapp account.
- mysql uses the native mysql (set to run at startup)
[root@lcpawn naraapp]# chkconfig mysqld on [root@lcpawn naraapp]# service mysqld start Initializing MySQL database: [ OK ] Starting MySQL: [ OK ]
- tomcat: /export/pawn/tomcat
- Certificate authority uses CA on lcpawn