SRB:Old SRB Installation Notes
From Adapt
- added IFMXMCAT = 1 to mk/mk.config, updated IFMX_LIB_DIR and IFMX_HDR_DIR
- for testing MDAS_DEBUG =1 in mk.config
- some mods specific to linux (no -lnsl, -lsocket, and added -lcrypt)
changes have been rolled back into appropriate makefiles, so this may not be needed
- gmake all
- Edit the two MdasConfig's (dbhome ignored)
- cd MCAT/; make all
- Install the utilities by copying utilities/bin utilities/man to /usr/local/stow/SRB1_1_18
- Make sure that MCAT/data/(un)installmcat.inf looks good
- setenv srbData ($SRBDIR)/MCAT/data
- Set ODBCINI and to the odbc.ini file.
informix needs to be in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (both the cli and esql dirs)
this should probably be added system-wide to the
<a href="data/bags/182/odbc.ini"><img src='images/file.gif' border=0>odbc.ini</a> - Enter MCAT/ and run 'data/installmcat.inf'
- now the mcat should be ready to run. Ingest the first resource and your mcat user
as follows:
setup your ~/.srb/.mdasEnv file in the mcat environment (sholdn't be needed later)
setenv srbUser srb setenv mdasDomainHome sdsc setenv srbAuth CANDO bin/ingestToken Domain 'umiacs' gen-lvl4 bin/ingestUser 'mcat' 'mcat123' 'umiacs' sysadmin 'College Park, MD' '5-1775' '' bin/ingestLocation 'bodleian' '' 'level4' 'mcat' 'umiacs' bin/ingestResource 'bodleian-dev' 'unix file system' 'bodleian' '/export/srbvault/dev-vault/?USER.?DOMAIN/?SPLITPATH/TEST.?PATH?DATANAME.?RANDOM.?TIMESEC' permanent 0 #mkdir PATHTOSRBVAULT/SRBVault #chmod 700 PATHTOSRBVAULT/SRBVault unsetenv srbUser unsetenv mdasDomainHome unsetenv srbAuth
- Now setup the ~/.srb/.MdasEnv, the only entry needed is the DomainHome so
that the mcat knows what it's home domain is. If you are going to connect to
the mcat as this user (needed initially) then you should setup a complete
.MdasEnv and .MdasAuth file.
mdasCollectionHome '/home/mcat.umiacs' mdasDomainHome 'umiacs' srbUser 'mcat' srbHost '' srbPort '5588' defaultResource 'bodleian-dev'
- You can now go into SRBDIR/bin and run ./runsrb. If it starts successfully you should see a line similiar to:
storSysType: 0, vaultPath: /export/srb/vault
-- Main.MikeSmorul - 02 May 2005