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Archive Master
A storge pool on a node. Authoritive information for the fileset is stored locally on the node. For simplicity sake, replication occurs to entire filesets.
Fileset Group
A set of identical filesets spread across different nodes. Each member of a fileset has a locally authoritative copy of all other group members. The first member of a fileset is chosen as a fileset group master. All members of a group are responsible for ensuring they are in sync with the master
Fileset Group Master
The fileset in a fileset group that is responsible for pushing modifications to group information to other members. It is also the node that accepts new data for a fileset and pushes it out to all members. It also issues purges to other group members.
A data storage node that contains filesets.
The unit of preservation. A block of bits identified by a digest across the block. The package can contain many files. Further information is available on the package format
Storage Class
A list of storage requirements. It is composed of 1 or more fileset groups. Clients request a storage class for packages they wish to ingest