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Pawn:Manager Configuration

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This is outdated, and for version .5 of PAWN.


Mysql should be installed on the machine you will be running the manager. The version included with redhat enterprise 3 or 4 will work fine. You should also have a copy of apache tomcat installed ( > version 5.5.9). You will also need to make sure that the mysql connector is installed into tomcat/common/lib. The connector is available at the bottom.

Configuring MySQL

As root, or the user that's running your mysql server, you'll need to create a database and account for pawn.

mysql> create database pawn3;
mysql> grant all on pawn3.* to pawnapp@localhost identified by 'password';
mysql> grant all on pawn3.* to pawnapp@localhost.localdomain identified by 'password';

Now as the user you will be running the pawn manager as, download the mysql tar file listed at the bottom and run the following:

tar -xzf mysql.tgz
cd mysql
cat load_schema.sql | mysql --user=pawnapp --database=pawn3 --password
Enter password: 

Configuring Apache Tomcat

In your tomcat/webapps directory place a copy of the pawn.war file. In tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost, save a copy of the attached context.xml as pawn.xml. You will need to edit it in the following way to suite your site.

<Parameter name="edu.umiacs.pawn.manager.SchedulerURL" value="http://localhost:8080/pawn-scheduler/services/Scheduler"/>
<!-- SAML Authority config -->
<Parameter name="edu.umiacs.pawn.manager.keyStoreFile" value="/WEB-INF/producer.p12"/>
<Parameter name="edu.umiacs.wssec.keystore.passwd" value="producer"/>
<Parameter name="edu.umiacs.wssec.keystore.aliaspasswd" value="producer"/>
<Parameter name="edu.umiacs.wssec.keystore.privkeyalias" value="producer"/>
<Parameter name="edu.umiacs.wssec.issuer" value="http://manager.namespace"/>
<Parameter name="edu.umiacs.wssec.keystore.caalias" value="cacert"/>
<Resource auth="Container" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" maxActive="25" maxIdle="5" maxWait="10000" 
   name="jdbc/pawn-manager" password="password" type="javax.sql.DataSource" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/pawn3" 
  • Make sure the Resource clause has the correct username and password that you setup above in mysql.
  • Change the edu.umiacs.wssec.issuer parameter to the namespace you want to refer to this manager as. This would usually be your local domain. IE, ,
  • Change the edu.umiacs.pawn.manager.SchedulerURL parameter to point to the location of your pawn scheduler. If it's the same machine, just set it to the full name of the machine (ie,